What is NewLifeU?

Frederick Posimo
Published in
2 min readMay 9, 2018

The Full Story

Schooling for the future!

A few years back I discovered a serious problem.

Through all of my studies in personal development, financial literacy, and life in general I had realized that most of us are missing the mark in a big way.

We live our lives striving for “success” yet most of the time we journey on broke and miserable.

The worst part is, even though we did everything that we thought we were supposed to do, things that we were told to do, we still ended up broke and miserable.

How can this be?

How can the information we receive in this world lead us absolutely nowhere?

The main reason:

The School System.

Our modern methods of schooling are outdated, inefficient, and most of all… broken.

People are not learning the skills needed to survive and more importantly thrive in this world.

That is the inception of NewLifeU. My goal is to change this trend, to create a new education system that counteracts the current symptoms of school.

Beyond that I am going to eliminate the disease, not just the symptoms. School is a parasite for many. Sucking the life right out of them. I cannot stand idly by and watch this happen anymore.

It’s time for a renaissance in the art of schooling and NewLifeU is on the front lines facing this fight head on!

I’m so happy you’re able to be a part of this renaissance. If you’re with me and realize that something must be done with the modern education system. Follow NewLifeU on Facebook, Instagram, and here on Medium for constant updates.

-Fred Posimo

