You have been a slave this whole time.

Frederick Posimo
Published in
3 min readMay 28, 2018

Only you can break the chains.

This world has been set up to keep us enslaved for life.

A friend of mine recently gave a speech, it was not something new to me, in fact, it was a topic I knew all to well. He shed new light on this tragedy which helped me gain new perspective. He started with:

“Slavery still exists today.”

I may search all my life and I doubt I could find a statement of greater truth.

We have been blinded. Fed a lie. Tricked. Dooped. And most of all we have been believing a falsehood for a long long time.

Today this ends.

School is a scam, it is a marketing ploy for large institutions to take your hard earned money. They lead you to believe it is an equal exchange when in reality it is an utter and deliberate financial raping.

On our first day of school we began what could become a torturous and vicious cycle of:

Receiving information with ZERO relevance to everyday life.

Being forced and commanded to do random shit we don’t want to do.

Spending the next 65 years of our life stressed, miserable, and broke all because we did what they said “we were supposed to.”

What they didn’t tell you about the American Dream

What is the American Dream: Go to a good school, get a high paying job with good benefits, own a car and a home, raise a family, live happily ever after.

What is the reality: Spend 16–20 of the most formidable learning years of your life stuck in a desk learning worthless minutia only to graduate with likely HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN STUDENT DEBT (which by the way you cannot declare bankruptcy on)

This forces you into a position where you NEED to make money quickly so logically, you’ll find the first job available. Likely it won’t be a position in your field of study, you’ll start out as low man on the totem pole and the higher you rise in corporate america the more you pay in taxes, it’s a win/win…. wait 🤔

In order to maintain your image of “living the American dream” and also make getting to work “easier” you buy yourself a car.

How do Americans pay for cars? 🤷‍♂ ??? 🤔?? WITH DEBT!!! 🙌

So with the mindset of “everyone has debt” you add onto your heaping pile of student loan debt with a car note, afterall it’s only like adding a gallon of water into the ocean. Once you realize how well that goes you decide to buy a house too and add on even more debt woohooo!!

As if I need to keep going…

Anyway eventually you have kids of your own, you pay for their school (in addition your cars, home, and your own student loans.) Thus continuing the cycle of slavery until retirement where you send all your money to a retirement home until death do us part.

WOW. 😱

I only have one question……………. WHAT THE F*CK HAPPENED?!?! 😠

Some plan! American Dream my ass!

The bad news is: The world has been systematically curated to keep you enslaved for the rest of your life.

The good news is: There is another way. Rich and wealthy individuals have found a way to enjoy their lives without the stresses of average individuals. It’s not as readily available, but it is possible to learn what they know and start living the life of your dreams.

The choice is yours, it’s up to you!

If you want to be part of the revolution come check us out on Facebook & Instagram. Listen on the go or anywhere with the NewLifeU podcast.

A good first step would be to grab a copy of my book.

-Fred Posimo

