How The Power of Simplicity can Transform Your Film –

Kamal Sucharan
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2021

In the age of clutter nothing is indispensable as simplicity and that pertains to filmmaking too.

While writing the story of a film, one may get lots of confusions in relation to executing the story. Here are my 5 questions that helps you out in tackling those confused answers for you.

What is the clear line of action?

Its pretty simple, what does the protagonist desperately need in the film and how is he going to achieve; that explains the clear line of action and provides you with the route map of achieving that objective

What is the conflict in the story?

Having a clear line if acton isn’t just enough, you need to have a conflict to create interest because conflict creates drama and people come to film to experience drama not a boring life story

Is the story a one big transformation event in the life of a protagonist?

Don’t get confused, ill explain; not everything makes a story, it should be the biggest transformation event in the life of protagonist.Take “FINDING NEMO” — searching for his son Nemo is the biggest transformation event for Marlin in the film.To put it simple, story is one big transformation event in the life of the protagonist that propels his/her to change in the pursuit of the goal.

What is the heart of the film?

Any art is a form of self expression, we obviously make films to convey something that we deeply believe in. So what you wanted to say is the heart of the film, find that and stick to it. Ratatouille — anybody can cook

Is there a contrast in the film?

Let me explain, contrast is the secret of the universe. Duality of life is the very essence of our existence like, day and night, sad and joy, pain and pleasure , etc., Same principle works wonders in films, so whenever you are stuck in writing the story think of contrasting elements you can add to your story like giving a hefty antagonist to a meek protagonist , etc. Trust me they work because contrast is one big archetype that always pokes human conscious.

Kamal Sucharan

