Why we need super hero films?

Kamal Sucharan
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2021

Like Plato and Aristotle, Superman and Batman are here to stay. So are Spider-Man, Daredevil, the Fantastic Four, and the Uncanny X-Men, among many other mythic heroes in tights. One of the most striking pop culture developments of the present day is the strong resurgence of the costumed super-hero as an entertainment and cultural icon.

Teaches on living with excellence

A flag always signals a sense of distinctiveness, achievement, and pride. It roots any individual who embraces it in a past, and in a people, while at the same time preparing him to live in the present and launch out into the prospect of a meaningful future with a sense of tradition, direction, and value.

Teaches achievement with nobility

A superhero is an extraordinarily powerful person, with weaknesses as well as strengths, whose noble character guides him or her into worthy achievements.

They kindle our spirits

The superheroes can keep that flame alive in our hearts as we ponder their sense of mission, and as we see them live it. But their stories can also speak to our fears, and in equally important ways

Gives us moral strength

They don’t accept defeat. They won’t ever give up. They believe in themselves, and in their cause, and they go all-out to achieve their goals. The superheroes work for not just people who appreciate their efforts, but often for people who criticize and revile them. They don’t do what they do because it’s popular. They do it because it’s right

Source — Superheroes and Philosophy: Truth, Justice, and the Socratic Way by Tom Morris and Matt Morris

Kamal Sucharan

