Free Report: Full Spectrum Engagement

Many areas of the world are in the midst of a democratic crisis. It’s time for us to scale up our tactics and tools to meet the challenges before us.

2 min readJun 14, 2018


After months of collaborative work, with dozens of partners and contributors, New/Mode, Care2 and NetChange are very excited to make a contribution to this effort through a new framework for campaigners called “Full Spectrum Engagement”.

Full Spectrum Engagement foregrounds community power and relationship building at a critical time when bots and social media manipulation make authentic distributed communications essential for any campaigner.

The framework is a combination of strategic principles, community-building best practices and multi-channel tactics that together enable campaigners to effectively activate grassroots power, target decision-makers and move them to do the right thing.

The framework grew out of field-testing from leading progressive advocacy organizations, and an extensive review of literature and civic engagement studies. After many months of work, we’re so happy to put this framework out in the world!

Why Full Spectrum Engagement?

In politics, one of the main drivers of disengagement seems to be a legitimate feeling that elites are in control of the decision-making apparatus and that civic access to power no longer exists. Those who turn to NGOs and community groups — hoping to see some leverage — are often frustrated by the futility of old strategies and tactics, such as symbolic petitions that never seem to influence lawmakers or move the needle on an issue.

“Bucking the larger trends, a small group of high-performing, community-driven campaigns are winning real policy changes and engaging millions of supporters in this mode of political activity.”

The framework provides campaigners with practical principles, strategies and tactics along with a work plan to build the kind community power that can lead to powerful campaign victories.

But it’s not just for campaigners: election candidates, fundraisers, marketing and comms people — anyone who is trying to grow their constituency and keep them engaged — will value this approach.

Download the full report to learn more about the framework.

We all want to win our campaigns and Full Spectrum Engagement is an approach that takes changes in supporter behavior and politics and turns these new realities into sources of energy. It’s quite simply the best and most efficient way to move the needle these days.

Get Full Spectrum Engagement

Full Spectrum Engagement is produced by Steve Anderson (Co-Founder and Chief Strategist at New/Mode) with contributions from Shasti Conrad, Tom Liacas, Ryann Miller, Jason Mogus, Angus Wong, Meredith Horowski. We extend our sincere thanks to the many partners, collaborators and supporters of this project. See the awesome full list of collaborators here.

