Building Momentum: How to Activate Supporters Ahead of Your Next Election

Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2018

The perennial challenge for political parties, candidates and advocacy groups is trying to get supporters to actively engage with your message or cause. The key to winning the hearts and minds of the public lies in an organization’s ability to motivate and mobilize core supporters over long periods of time.

Working together, Ecanvasser and New/Mode have developed a practical new guide for Activating Your Supporters.

The aim of this guide is to give you actionable steps to help build and maintain momentum ahead of your next big action, campaign or goal.

Within the guide, you’ll find 8 key steps, action tips and real-world case studies. Download the full guide to read more!

Progressive campaigners are invited to download the guide today. Our only ask is that you share it widely with your networks, so we can scale-up together — and win more campaigns!

Get your copy today:

About Ecanvasser
Ecanvasser is the #1 voter outreach solution, trusted by over 2000 campaigns in 70 countries.

About New/Mode
New/Mode’s powerful advocacy and civic engagement platform helps progressive campaigners activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.

