Brigid — The Emotion Detector Website

Newolf Society
Published in
4 min readSep 11, 2021

People often say that how well you slept and which side of the bed you woke up on may determine your mood for the day. And that is possible only when you remember what happened last night. Being that it is the morning, it is a perfect time to evaluate how you are feeling today by taking a simple picture that will give you an answer to all your questions.

Wondering what Facial emotions are? We were wondering the same before developing this website.

When you look at a person it is difficult to identify what a person is going through and how they are feeling. Facial emotion recognition is the process of detecting human emotions from facial expressions. The human brain recognizes emotions automatically, and software has now been developed that can recognize emotions as well. This technology is becoming more accurate all the time, and will eventually be able to read emotions as good as our brains do.

Using Facial emotion detector might be a task but there are many sectors which use this to learn a person’s mental and emotional health. It is important for teachers to learn what the students are feeling in order to counsel them and help them with their situations. Business sectors use it to their positives. Anyone in the business sector can understand their customer and their true feeling by just clicking a single picture. It has always been a problem for psychiatrists to identify what their patients are going through. When patients don't speak up, its a task for them to recognize their feelings. With this simple website, psychiatrists have been able to make their patients comfortable and help them in a better way.

While creating this website, we had a lot of confusions as to what will help us in running this website smoothly. We used Python for the basic model development whereas HTML, CSS and Flask for website development. These helped in making our website user friendly and therefore using the website will be a cake walk.

PRESENTING TO YOU OUR WEBSITE “BRIGID — The God of Happiness”. Why this name? It’s very simple, our motto is to spread happiness and that’s the only reason we developed this website.

Now about the website, your first look to our page will show our motto and our mission. To know about the working of the website, we have a separate corner for you all.

In order to access this corner all you have to do is click on “LEARN MORE”. We have provided a detailed instructions to make your experience much easier and simpler. In short, all you have to do is click on “CLICK ME” and your job is done. Our website will process and analyze your face and show the emotions.

To know more about who we are and how to contact us, you can click on “CONTACT US”.

Went to meet your friend? Saw a complicated expression on their face? No worries. We are here to make your life less complicated. All you have to do is to click a picture of them and leave the rest to us.

We developed this website through Newolf Society’s Icebreaker event. We were able to make this a success with the help of our mentor, Rahul Ramesh. This website is developed by Rahul H Raj, Shreya S Adiga, Soumye Joshi and Nisha Murthy D.

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#machinelearning #datascience #webdevelopment

