Donatorr- Blood Donor App ft. Medical Reminders

Ria Singh
Newolf Society
Published in
2 min readFeb 28, 2021

Starve a Vampire, save a human life.

Undeniably blood donation is a choice, and a noble one indeed. Even though good Samaritans have an orderly participation, the average citizen willfully ignores it on passive grounds. The demand-supply gap for blood units persists in many healthcare facilities in the country. So the question arises how do we shine the spotlight on the need and importance of more blood donations in our country? Our application bids an effort to bring forth a solution to the dilemma.

1 Pint. 3 Lives.

63.3% of the Indian population are smartphone users. And what lies at the core of this technology? Application software. integrates various health and medical features (medicine reminder as of first version) to attract users. Even though the primary feature remains that of blood donation, the secondary aspects is to promote healthier lifestyle amongst all generations.

Our application Donatorr was developed using Flutter framework, on android studio. We employed Firebase for the backend. The user authentication and data storage have been integrated with the aforementioned. The user information consists of daily health stats and blood type. In the blood donor page, we get the list of available donors and their compatible medical info. For the local medicine reminder we utilized the local database.

This project was made by Rakshith, Gaurav U and Ria Singh under the mentorship of Kiriti K.

You can find our project at:

