Lyricist — A discord bot for song lyrics.

Alan Joshy Thomas
Newolf Society
Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2021

“Music gives soul to the Universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything” — PLATO.

How often do we find ourselves misquoting lyrics while we listen to songs? When established artists get them wrong, it is typical we get them wrong too. Listening to songs and getting all the lyrics correct is like icing on the top.

While enjoying and chilling with friends on discord, it is tedious to exit discord to google the lyrics or search them on Spotify. We struggle deciphering lyrics, and that is okay because we have got you covered ;).

Lyricist is a discord bot, designed to avoid these situations. It provides lyrics to songs of our liking. Imagine you’re listening to songs on your Spotify, but the application is minimized. Now, instead of opening Spotify or googling the lyrics, imagine getting the lyrics on your Server with just a few commands? Crazy right? Lyricist is your go-to BOT.

Switching between apps can be a tedious task


· A quiz feature in the bot to check how much you know your favorite artist.

· Want to get the lyrics of the current playing song in Spotify? We got you there too. You do not have to search the name of the song to search for its lyrics anymore!

· To add more fun to your listening sessions, you can also get hold of memes from our bot!

· Well, sometimes some phrases hit us deeply from the songs. So, to get you acquainted with more of these phrases, we have also added a quotes feature in our bot!


1.Python language for running the bot.

2. Reddit and Genius lyrics APIs are used to get memes and lyrics for the bot.

3.Deployment of the bot on the Heroku server.


Members who contributed to this project include Aatreyee Mukherjee, Alan Joshy Thomas, and Kadar Basha, with the constant guide, support, and help of the brilliant Darshil V shah.

Git repository link for our project:

Use this Discord Bot Link to invite Lyricist to your discord server, and to get more information about our bot, use the command ‘.help’.

Happy Listening :)



Alan Joshy Thomas
Newolf Society

Football is the most important thing of the unimportant things in life. Want to write articles analyzing football but lazy for now, hopefully that changes :D