Mess Spruce — Clean the mess!

Newolf Society
Published in
2 min readSep 11, 2021

“Hostel is an emotion, so why not make it more memorable and less messy.”

We loomed up to an unique solution to not only speed up the hostel mess management system, but to also ease the process of mess selection and verification.

Using flutter interface and dart programming we created a simple app with all the basic features of an app including the login page with SRN and password as the criteria for login, a select page to select the mess number and a QR code scanner to get the entry confirmation for a particular mess.

We also created a payment tracking system to replace the current coupon system to simplify the approach for the same.

Tech used in the app:

>Flutter SDK based on the dart programming language.
> Android studio code editor.

Login page of the app

Future scope:

> A more refined interface

> The applications of the app can be extended to the day scholars too.

> Link a cloud database to the app.

> Admin Privileges

>Announcement page

>Limited usage of the QR code scan.

Team members:

Abishek D
H Anusree
Pratham Bhat
Kiran Reddy
Mentor: Vijit Kumar

Git repository link of the project:

