SkillBridge — Uniting India on Different Fronts

Newolf Society
Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2020

India, as we know it, is the embodiment of ‘Unity in Diversity’. Every state in India is known for its own language or a variation of another, and consequently every region in a state practices its own version of the language, as dialects.

What would be the case if people who want to connect with others, but simply cannot due to the naturally existing language barrier? This has restricted them from connecting with a world full of people and opportunities. What if we too are missing out on healthy and important skills present in people from a particular community all this while?

Now more than ever, there exists the need for a platform to enhance and promote the growth of communication between people from different backgrounds, regions and cultures in our country. As long as the language barrier prevails, it is impossible to make the complete skill set available to all.

Thus, with the aim of creating such a tool, we present “SkillBridge”, that not only serves as a medium to bridge the long-existing gap between rural, semi-rural and urban areas, but also as a channel or a forum for holistic development, in which people can educate themselves and build skills in their native tongue as well as English or any other linguistic background they wish to explore.

The initiative is planned to be carried out on mobile and web applications, enabling interaction among people across different backgrounds, building a society of continuous learning, thereby leading to better connections among people, integrating the country in a much more intricate and fundamental manner.

To progress towards our goal, we must begin at an elementary stage, and we have chosen to initially provide video lectures/classes teaching English making the use of initially Tamil, Telugu and Hindi. We believe English in today’s world is more of a skill that can be possessed and that has become a necessity to survive in modern society, hence we have chosen it.

We’re looking forward to working on this and hope you stay tuned for more updates and interesting features coming up! Do let us know your thoughts on the same in the comments.

