New Order 🤝 Terra Developers

Published in
4 min readJun 9, 2022

What is New Order?

New Order is a permissionless, community-driven venture DAO incubator with a core focus on DeFi. The platform is led by builders and ecosystem partners that shape early-stage DeFi applications and surround teams with business and technical resources to fast track their growth and development.

Our presence in the center of DeFi allows us to consistently generate innovative solutions to the growing pains in the space. With several incubation engagements built in stealth and a multitude of ideas in the pipeline, we want to extend development opportunities to those affected by the Luna meltdown with a safe transition to a sustainable and unrestricted building environment at New Order.

We emphasize our chain and primitive neutrality through our portfolio of projects and our deep network of partners. Through close relationships with the Near Foundation, Gitcoin, Outlier Ventures, Olympus, Ocean, Avalanche, and many more, our network allows our builders to have the required business and capital resources to realize their vision.

At New Order, we are building and launching several DeFi projects representing our granular focus on innovative and DeFi-native primitives. Below is a glimpse into some of the projects that have launched through our platform:


Redacted is a meta-governance DAO that creates and extracts value through the incentivization of governance in DeFi. With the apparent growth of value direction through governance in DeFi, we saw an unexplored niche of governance aggregation creating a new paradigm of value. With our help, Redacted secured $73m in funding — creating one of the largest treasuries in DeFi.


H2O is the first non-pegged stable asset for the Web3 Data Economy. H2O serves as a medium of exchange and unit of account in data marketplaces, capitalizing on the shift to a distributed data ownership reality. Initially, H2O is backed by the OCEAN token as a proxy to the value of the data market, but H2O will soon be backed by a variety of datatokens and data indexes with the upcoming V2 upgrade.


Obey is a gamified music futures-like marketplace where hip-hop culture fans can monetize music taste by betting on the success of a song. In the form of futures contracts, users can bet against each other on the increase or decrease of a song’s future streaming revenue in order to earn rewards. The winner’s rewards are visual presentations of hip-hop music in the form of NFTs, meaning users can enrich their hip-hop NFT collection by playing this music futures game.


Sumeria Labs is building a permissionless NFT lending/borrowing protocol with a pool-to-peer approach. Each pool contains a diverse NFT collection to mitigate price volatility.


Diversifi is a cross-chain liquidity Layer 0 that enables fast, secure, and cost-effective liquidity transfers between all blockchains. Diversifi aims to tackle liquidity fragmentation incorporating Intel SGX for secure key management, one-sided liquidity pools to prevent impermanent loss, a native consensus mechanism to ensure random selection of validators, and more.

Lazy Trade

Lazy Trade is a one-stop shop for crypto portfolio management. Its Chrome extension identifies a token ticker on any webpage (e.g. Twitter) and allows the users to trade the token on both centralized and decentralized exchanges without needing to leave the original webpage. It currently supports Uniswap, FTX, Kraken, Pancakeswap, and Binance. It also has integrated with Twitter and Telegram chats to offer sentiment analysis.

Bright Union

An insurance aggregator that offers the best policy. Its Bright Risk Index product allows the users to provide liquidity to a variety of insurance providers and earn yield from the coverage premium. It also offers an SDK that DeFi protocols, DEXes, and wallets can easily integrate within 3 lines of code — making the insurance process seamless for the end-users.


IdentDeFi aims to enable participation of institutions in DeFi protocols by simplifying the complicated KYC compliance process and offering a better alternative to the fragmented approach currently seen across DeFi.

Launching and raising is our core competency, successfully capitalizing and bringing projects to market irrespective of industry conditions. We house a robust internal capital markets structure that grants us a direct line to industry-leading funds and angels, securing runway and surrounding teams with valuable stakeholders. To further assist during the raising period, we extend interest-free loans to bootstrap development and ensure an uninterrupted environment for builders.

Having launched several successful projects with many more currently under development, our experimental sandbox requires inbound entrepreneurs that would continue directing the vision and development of these protocols. Our goal is to continue innovating core DeFi primitives focusing on, but not limited to: infrastructure, exchanges and derivative platforms. More specifically, we are working on an MEV-resistant DEX, DAO infrastructure, liquid-staking derivatives, automating DeFi trading, and much more.

We are open to both technical and non-technical entrepreneurs to join us in experimenting with DeFi, becoming founders and leading the next frontier of Web3. If you are interested, please reach out below:

