My-Polar Disorder:


My life with Bipolar 1 and a discussion of the facts

This article is about Bipolar Affective Disorder, but my own story is chaotic due to comorbidity. I have Bipolar (Type 1), Complex-PTSD (C-PTSD), Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia, Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, and Tardive Dyskinesia. Comorbidity is a difficult task for my supporters and me; however, for this article, I will attempt to concentrate mainly on Bipolar.

This article is my chance to tell my story as it dovetails into some of the psychiatric and neuroscientific research surrounding the disability, for which references are provided after the conclusion. I’m attempting to provide academic and personal knowledge in a compassionate and understanding way (so I’ll keep the tone as informal as possible, although a few technical explanations are necessary). In doing so, I hope to provide some valuable new information and ideas. I would also like to demonstrate that I walk the same path as you. You are not alone.

To those of you who know me, this article might be confronting. I cannot cover every manic or psychotic incident (i.e., “the juicy bits”) because there’s too much juice! So, you will only get some highlights. I should also say upfront that there is nothing that I am ashamed of that has been caused by my mental illness. There are things that I’ve done that I’ve never revealed, but if my stories…



'STRENGTH FROM SCARS' - Robert Charles Kavanagh
The Newosis Journal

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