Tall Poppy Syndrome (TPS) and Mental Health Ramifications

“There is a toxic social phenomenon that impacts almost every successful or fledgling [person]. It’s a tendency to cut others down for their achievements. To criticise or undermine those who display their difference, originality, ambition or unique talent. It’s a cluster of envy, low self-esteem, fear and resentment, and it disassembles supportive communities: it’s called tall poppy syndrome” (Arts Hub, 2017).



Up to 70% of people in Australia believe others view “ambition” negatively (Newport Institute)!


We’ve probably all heard about TPS, especially in Australia. We experience the prevalence of TPS in Australia as we generally value egalitarianism more than individualism — although that is difficult to comprehend with the selfishness we see in ‘current affairs’ these days.

I recently pondered the whole concept of TPS, having recently brushed off a few instances. But, I thought, what if TPS is a more severe phenomenon than it’s made out to be? What mental health implications manifest through…



'STRENGTH FROM SCARS' - Robert Charles Kavanagh
The Newosis Journal

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