🎉 New Features: Playlist, Password Protect and More

Sam Thompson
Published in
2 min readJun 13, 2017

1…2…3…release! And, 💃 because dancing after releases packed with new features just makes sense.

Add items to the playlist and reorder them

Prep Your Class With Playlist

Playlist is now available for all newrow_ smart users.

The playlist was one of our most popular features on newrow_ Live and Learn so we are excited to introduce the playlist feature to newrow_ smart.

With Playlist you can organize your class materials as you would slides in a presentation. Instead of stopping the flow of the class as you search for files you uploaded weeks ago, you can organize all of your class content in an easy-to-use playlist.

The playlist is a managed list of files and YouTube videos you intend to share in class:

  • Add up to 50 items to the playlist: presentations, PDF’s, movies, images, documents, spreadsheets, audio files and YouTube videos
  • Prepare ahead of time. Organize your playlist the day before. The playlist is automatically saved.
  • Drag-and-drop to reorder. Newly added items are automatically added to the end of the playlist. Click & drag to reorder the playlist.
  • Search items in playlist to find the file you are looking for.
  • Co-manage your playlist. Playlist is synched between all moderators and instructors. So changes made are live.

Related Playlist links:

Password Protect Your Room

Require a password to enter your room

Inviting participants to join via a direct URL is an easy way to have your participants join your room. If you reuse your room with different participants or just want to add an extra level of security, then you can require all participants enter a password to join.

  • Room password option to require participants to enter a password to join your room
  • Password sign in banner for guests to enter password to join your room

Related Require Password links:

And more…

Some of the changes and updates you may have noticed:

  • Shopping cart — Now you can purchase plans directly from the newrow_ website (https://www.newrow.com/#/pricing).
  • Apps menu design — A sleeker look to the apps menu.
  • More rooms for paying users — paying users can now create +10 rooms to the number of plans they have. You can rotate which rooms are active based on need.

