Robert Thompson
News and Narrative
Published in
2 min readApr 5, 2024


The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Navigating Complexities and Perspectives

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

The conflict between Israelis and Palestinians is a long-standing, multi-faceted issue that defies simplistic narratives. While many Israelis are frustrated with Benjamin Netanyahu's leadership and policies, the public's support for the military campaign in Gaza reflects the deep-seated complexities at play.

A significant portion of the Israeli public, around 88% of Jewish Israelis, told pollsters in January 2024 that the Palestinian death toll of 25,000 was justified. This suggests a troubling acceptance of the high civilian casualties resulting from the conflict. Additionally, two-thirds of Jewish Israelis expressed opposition to establishing an independent, demilitarized Palestinian state the following month.

These findings highlight the challenges in resolving the conflict. Almost none of Israel’s Jewish political parties endorse a two-state solution, and those in government actively reject it. The Israeli media has also been criticized for rarely showing the suffering in Gaza or challenging the IDF’s narrative.

At the same time, many Israelis are disillusioned with Netanyahu and hold him responsible for security lapses and the prolonged nature of the war. His likely successor, Benny Gantz, has also taken hardline positions, boasting of "sending parts of Gaza back to the Stone Age" during his tenure as head of the IDF.

Navigating this complex landscape requires nuance and a willingness to understand the perspectives of all parties involved. While criticism of Netanyahu may be warranted, the conflict is not solely his responsibility but rather reflects deep-seated attitudes and policies within Israeli society.

Ultimately, addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will require a comprehensive approach that addresses the underlying grievances, power dynamics, and competing narratives that have fueled the cycle of violence. Any meaningful progress will depend on a genuine commitment to seeking just and sustainable solutions, rather than further entrenching existing divides.

