Robert Thompson
News and Narrative
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2024


You Won’t Believe How Russia is Using Africa to Weaponize Migration and Crush Europe

Photo by Christian Lue on Unsplash

Shocking Revelation: Russia's Sinister Plot to Overwhelm Europe with African Migrants
Russia has hatched a diabolical scheme to leverage its influence in Africa's Sahel region to weaponize migration against the unsuspecting European Union. The Kremlin's Machiavellian masterminds have forged alliances with ruthless military juntas in the region, setting the stage for a perfect storm that could engulf the continent.

The EU's attempts to stem the tide of migrants from Africa by collaborating with local governments have unraveled spectacularly, as countries like Niger have now aligned themselves with the cunning machinations of Vladimir Putin. This unholy alliance could enable the Russian strongman to exploit the desperation of migrants as a potent weapon against Europe, reminiscent of his previous manipulation of migration patterns to exert political pressure.

In a shocking display of geopolitical brinkmanship, Russia orchestrated migrant surges at the Poland-Belarus border in 2021 and opened its border with Finland to a deluge of Africans and Middle Easterners as a retaliatory measure against NATO involvement. Now, African leaders, enticed by the prospect of reducing unemployment, boosting their economies through remittances, and gaining leverage with destination countries, may be all too willing to cooperate with Russia's sinister agenda of facilitating emigration to Europe.

This development poses a grave threat to the European Union, which could find itself trapped in a game of "migratory blackmail" orchestrated by the Kremlin. The implications are far-reaching, underscoring Russia's growing geopolitical assertiveness and exposing the vulnerabilities and limitations of the EU's migration policies.

As Europe grapples with the mounting crisis, it must confront the harsh reality of external actors exploiting migratory flows for their own nefarious purposes. The time has come for the EU to reevaluate its approach and address the root causes of migration, lest it succumb to the Kremlin’s devious machinations.

