Amazing Moms, Amazing Care Professionals

In every culture, in every language, in every family, in every home, to “mother” means to give care.

Love them back.
4 min readMay 2, 2016


As we celebrate Mother’s Day this Sunday, we want to honor a few of our amazing Care Pros who are also amazing moms. It’s no surprise they do both jobs so well — the skills, qualities, and talents are the same. Kindness, compassion, patience, knowledge, and experience all wrapped up in one beautiful word: care.

Meet Four Special Moms and Outstanding Care Pros

Thanks for being a great mom in your own unique way — and thanks for caring for others every day!

Jane is an amazing care professional and mom.

Jane L. is the mother of two, a 10-year-old daughter and a four-year-old son. A care professional for 13 years, Jane always makes time to be there for her children and be supportive of their school and sports activities. “My being involved means a lot to them and makes them happy. I couldn’t ask for more amazing children. I would never trade being a mom for anything.”

Best Mother’s Day gift? “Having my family together. How we celebrate the day changes every year, which is a good thing. We either go to brunch, or have a BBQ with family and friends, or a big dinner. Mother’s Day to me is spending time with the people you love.”

Ebony is an amazing care professional and mom.

Ebony W., a care professional for over five years, is the mother of two, a daughter, age 14, and a son, age 2. Her favorite part about being a mom is all the attention she gets from her two kids. “Not a day goes by that both my children don’t say ‘I love you, Mom!’ My son amazes me everyday with new words he’s learned. My daughter is so sweet and always tries to put me before herself.”

Best Mother’s Day gift? “When my daughter was five she made me a drawing for Mother’s Day. It was a picture of the two of us, and she said “I’m pretty like my mom.’ LOL.”

Karena is an amazing care professional and mom.

Karena M., a Certified Nursing Assistant, is the mother of four, three sons and a daughter, ranging in age from 19 to 29. What does she love most about being a mom? “At this stage now I love watching my kids interact with each other and how they all pull together when necessary.”

Best Mother’s Day gift? “I have received so many gifts for Mother’s Day. I cannot pinpoint just one.”

Manjot is an amazing care professional and mom.

Manjot K. is a Licensed Vocational Nurse and the mother of three. She has twin girls, age 9, and a boy who is five. Her favorite thing about being a mom? “My children’s arms around my neck.”

Best Mother’s Day gift? “The sweetest gift I got from my kids was a clean house — and I mean really CLEAN. It was just last year when all 3 of them joined forces and put everything away. When I woke up the house was so clean I had to rub my eyes and make sure I was not in someone else’s home. When they saw me so surprised one of my daughters said, ‘Mom, you know how you are always saying we don’t help out enough and the house looks like a bomb exploded here? We decided to clean it up for you, so you can relax, at least for today.’ That made me really happy. I hope they do it again this year!”

So do we.

All this week at our San Francisco headquarters (and our satellite offices), we are honoring mothers and caregivers everywhere for the incredibly important work they do every day. We’re doing the Mom Dance, giving mamma-bear air hugs, making lemonade, and cute/embarrassing refrigerator art just for you.

Whether you’re a professional caregiver or a family caregiver — or both, this word bouquet is our way of saying thank you! Hope your Mother’s Day is filled with much joy, laughter, and love.

If your family is looking for an amazing care professional, call us any time at (877) 777–5161. We’re here to help.

Are you an amazing care professional? We’d love to hear from you. Apply now to be an Honor Care Pro!

