3 Ways to Win at Thanksgiving This Year

From the seasoned Culinary Pioneers at Di Bruno Bros. in the heart of Philadelphia

Instacart News
2 min readNov 12, 2015


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The Holidays are a magical time at our shops, full of warmth and good cheer… Did I say “magical”? Sorry, what I meant was “a food-crazed, diet-anhiliating, loud, over-stuffed, truffle-infused, brined, buttered, basted and TOTALLY INSANE time.” Eh, same difference. We do the holidays like nobody does the holidays, and this is a sneak peek at some hints we’ve learned over our 76 years of business. Tasty, tasty business.

1. A tasty brine is a birds best friend

We brine and dine, folks, and I’ll tell you why: a turkey soaked in a good brine (which is essentially equal parts salt and sugar dissolved in liquid) means a juicier, fuller-flavored turkey!

2. What you put in, is what you get out, amazing ingredients matter!

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It’s what’s INSIDE that counts, right? We’ll agree, because whether I’m making a simple side of pasta or an antipasti plate as an appetizer, a sprinkle of truffle salt or a slice of award-winning cheese can make all the difference.

3. Make a few items from scratch and fill in the rest to enjoy the day — and be thankful for helping hands around the prep table

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Thanksgiving isn’t a contest, which is unfortunate, because we know a few people who would love to win. But the fact of the matter is, there’s all sorts of wonderful products and items out there to help you make this holiday delicious without landing you in an asylum. Take the help, and spend the extra time with loved ones and family!

Shopping for Thanksgiving groceries in Philadelphia? Don’t forget to check out the Di Bruno Bros. Thanksgiving Picks on Instacart!

Read more great Thanksgiving tips and time-saving ideas from our partners with the Instacart Thanksgiving Guide.

