Tackling news challenges together

News Catalyst launches partnerships to help news organizations address product challenges

Heather Bryant
News Catalyst
3 min readMay 4, 2020


Circumstances for many news organizations have been difficult since long before the current crisis. Whether it’s a lack of capacity or support, newsrooms have been struggling with designing and managing effective product processes that can bolster their work and better serve their audiences.

News Catalyst was created to help news organizations through experimentation around tools, technology, collaboration and product development. To that end, we’re launching a new partnership program to provide assistance to organizations.

What we’re looking for are partner news organizations interested in collaborating to solve a challenge they are facing in their organization.

What we hope to accomplish is helping our partners find useful solutions to their problems and to share what we learn so that other newsrooms can build upon those approaches.

What we have to offer is our time and expertise across technology, workflow, product and the news industry.

“More than ever, we believe that teaming up to tackle big problems is how we build a new future for journalism.” — Aron Pilhofer, Director.

“Our future audiences consume news online, and you need to be there to meet them. The technology to succeed digitally can be daunting and expensive, but we can help you find and build cost-effective solutions to building a sustainable digital business.” — Tyler Fisher, Deputy Director, Technology.

“There is an almost endless variety of products and services potentially useful when writing, presenting and distributing stories. We can help streamline the discovery process while offering frictionless access as part of your organization’s informed approach to reporting.” — Jacqui Lough, Developer.

“In the busy-ness of a newsroom, it’s easy to neglect the behind-the-scenes infrastructure that can make the work of journalism easier, more efficient, and better supported. Our team of planners and builders is here to help.” — Jessica Morrison, Product Lead.

“With resources stretched, it’s important for us to be thoughtful about creating processes that help teams be engaged and effective. We can help you figure out what does and doesn’t work for your organization and collaborate to come up with workflows that empower your team.” — Heather Bryant, Deputy Director, Product.

There are always going to be new challenges that stress the capacity and test the adaptability of news organizations but together we can build the systems and culture to meet those challenges head on.

You can see more about the partnerships and how to share your idea here: News Catalyst Product Partnerships.

News Catalyst helps news organizations transform themselves into sustainable digital businesses.

We accomplish this by providing tools, fostering collaboration, and promoting experimentation within the news industry.

Our focus is in areas which news organizations have traditionally under-invested, like product development, data, analytics, digital storytelling, mobile and engagement. Where there are gaps in capability, News Catalyst fills them by providing tools, technology, training, hands-on support and expertise.



Heather Bryant
News Catalyst

Deputy Director of Product @NewsCatalyst. Founder of @ProjectFacet, supporting effective, meaningful collaboration. The future of journalism is collaborative.