Waitress in Tears after Thank You Note from Widow

“She needed an ear”

Amy Christie
News Out Loud


Photo credit: alienpopstarr/ Twitter

A waitress arrived to start her shift not knowing that her service and goodwill were about to change someone’s life in a major way.

The handwritten note Megan King got from a widow along with her tip show just how important it is to reach out to people who are alone. Blessings are just around the corner and one good deed or a kind smile could give someone the strength they need to get through the most difficult time in their lives.

What are the details?

King told Newsweek that she got the touching note during the weekend.

“She came in about halfway through my 17-hour shift, and it was on Sunday, which is always pretty busy. About halfway through her meal, it started to slow down so we chatted for a few minutes. Small talk, nothing too deep. She told me she was almost 70 and has been slowing down a bit. She said she just wanted to stop by an old favorite for a bite,” the waitress recalled.

The woman looked “a bit sad” while she sat eating her meal and she looked toward King many times.

“In retrospect, I wish I would’ve taken her quiet as an invitation. I think that’s what she wanted, looking back. She kept looking up at me, so I assumed something wasn’t right…



Amy Christie
News Out Loud

Dallasite, passionate storyteller and journalist, striving to create meaningful connections. “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end”