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Published in
4 min readDec 26, 2023


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The festive season brings with it a flurry of activities, last-minute shopping rushes, and the inevitable question: What establishments remain open on Christmas Day? In the hub of Windsor-Essex, a tapestry of twinkling lights and merry decorations adorns the streets, creating an atmosphere of holiday cheer. Yet as Christmas Eve rolls into Christmas Day, a hushed quiet falls upon the city as many businesses dim their lights and lock their doors, allowing a collective pause for celebration and rest.

However, not all shutters stay down on the 25th of December — some stores and services remain operational to accommodate the needs and traditions of diverse communities. As families unwrap presents and friends gather over holiday feast, there are those who might find themselves needing to make a last-minute dash to the store or those who don’t celebrate the day traditionally and prefer to grab a meal out or catch a movie.

The exceptions to the widespread closures include a handful of essential services and some businesses that choose to keep their doors open. Convenience stores, some groceries, and drug stores often remain accessible to the public, providing a safety net for those who forgot the cranberry sauce or need an emergency battery for the new toys. These stores serve as a lifeline on a day when the majority of retail spaces stay vacant.

Several gas stations also maintain operations, ensuring that travelers and those with the itch to take a holiday drive can fill up their tanks. Hospitals and emergency services, of course, don’t take the day off. Law enforcement, firefighters, and medical professionals remain vigilant, ensuring public safety and health while the rest of the community unwinds.

Dining out on Christmas Day can be a challenge, yet it’s not an impossible feat. Some restaurants, especially those within hotels, stay open. They cater not only to tourists but also to locals who seek a break from the kitchen or a unique Christmas meal. It’s a warm reprieve for individuals who find comfort in the convivial setting of a busy eatery or simply want to indulge in a holiday special that diverges from the traditional turkey and trimmings.

Movie theaters have traditionally seen the 25th as a day of opportunity, premiering blockbuster hits and offering a cozy escape for those looking for entertainment beyond the living room. While fewer in number, these cinemas that open their doors serve as a cultural cornerstone for those whose Christmas tradition includes popcorn and a big screen.

In the days leading up to Christmas Eve, the retail scene buzzes with extended hours and late-night bargain hunters. Stores vie for the business of those looking for the perfect gift, wrapping up the shopping season with a bow of extended convenience. But as the clock winds down to the closing hours of Christmas Eve, retailers often close early, enabling employees to scurry home to their own celebrations.

Moreover, public transportation tends to operate on a reduced schedule. On Christmas Day, buses and trains scale back, running on limited or holiday timetables, which aids those without personal transport but also reflects the quieted, less frantic pace of the day.

For the elderly and individuals in need, certain community organizations keep the light on, offering meals and companionship on what can be a lonely day for some. Volunteers for these worthy programs often remark on the Joy and fulfillment found in serving others, a sentiment that captures the heart of the holiday spirit.

Beyond the doors ajar and lights aglow, there’s a narrative here that goes deeper than a list of open and closed signs. It’s in the shared moments of staff members who forgo their holiday to keep the coffee brewing and the shelves stocked; it’s in the gestures of gratitude from those who these open establishments serve. It’s in the quiet streets and the collective breath the city seems to take as families and friends gather to celebrate or as strangers come together to volunteer. It’s found in the balance of rest and revelry, in the respect for tradition and the accommodation of the non-traditional.

As the holiday tends to bring into focus the things that matter most — loved ones, community, generosity, and respite — Windsor-Essex continues to exemplify the seasonal dualities of warmth and winter, bustle and pause. And whether one chooses to venture out to a store that’s open on Christmas or stays nestled at home, the character of the city is revealed in its quiet streets and the few, glowing signs that signal life on a day marked by peaceful celebration.




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