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Published in
4 min readDec 26, 2023


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As families around the world decorate their homes, wrap gifts, and indulge in the festive spirit, a special kind of magic is about to unfold. Each year, the anticipation builds up to one enchanting evening — Christmas Eve. It’s the night when a jolly old man named Santa Claus makes his miraculous global journey, delivering joy and presents to millions of eager children. But how can one keep tabs on someone so elusive, so magical? Fortunately, technology and tradition have joined forces to answer that burning question: Where is Santa? Thanks to the North American Aerospace Defense Command, better known as NORAD, families can witness the wonder of Santa’s sleigh ride live, as it happens, through their Santa Tracker.

It’s a tradition that has captured the hearts and imaginations of children and adults alike. For over six decades, NORAD has been the faithful beacon guiding onlookers through the night sky to pinpoint the precise location of Santa’s sleigh. The origin story of this delightful yearly event is just as whimsical as Santa’s twinkle-eyed persona. It all began in 1955 with a misprinted telephone number in a Sears Roebuck & Co. advertisement, which accidentally directed children to call the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD) Operations Center, NORAD’s predecessor. The director at the time, Colonel Harry Shoup, instead of turning away the young callers, embraced the holiday spirit and began providing updates on Santa’s whereabouts. And thus a cherished tradition was born.

Fast forward to the present day, and NORAD’s Santa Tracker is a full-fledged operation. Utilizing satellite systems, high-powered radar, and jet fighters, NORAD provides real-time updates on Santa Claus’s voyage. But how does it work? NORAD employs its satellites with infrared sensors that can detect the heat from Rudolph’s bright red nose, leading the team to Santa’s accurate position as he traverses the globe at high speeds. Ground-based radar tracking stations also play a crucial role, scanning the skies for signs of Santa. Once he enters North American airspace, Canadian and American fighter pilots in CF-18s and F-16s have the honor of escorting Santa, ensuring his safe passage through the skies.

The feverish excitement builds on the eve of December 24th as children and parents log on to websites, tune into social media, or turn on their local news for live coverage of Santa’s sojourn. At the heart of this is the online Santa Tracker, a platform that provides not just Santa’s current location but also educational games, videos, and a behind-the-scenes look into the Santa tracking process. Children can explore the North Pole, learn about holiday traditions worldwide, and even get a peek at Santa’s Village. This interactive experience has evolved over the years, becoming more sophisticated with advancements in technology. Now, users can track Santa through 3D maps, and even follow his movement on smartphones and tablets.

But what truly makes the Santa Tracker a remarkable tool is the way it unites families. Parents and children huddle around screens, eyes wide with wonder, as they track the jolly man’s journey from city to village, over seas, and through starry skies. The anticipation of hearing that Santa is nearing one’s home sends ripples of excitement through households. It’s a way to connect, to celebrate, and to keep the spirit of Christmas alive.

Moreover, NORAD’s Santa Tracker showcases the magic of believing in the impossible. In an age where cynicism often clouds the innocent joy found in belief, the continued existence of Santa Claus represents a hopeful counterpoint. It’s a collective, willing suspension of disbelief that brings out the best of humanity — generosity, love, joy, and the desire to bring happiness to others.

As we approach Christmas Eve this year, this tradition remains as strong as ever. NORAD brings back the Santa Tracker, ready to delight a new generation of children. Every year the program grows, bringing with it new stories, smiles, and the reminder that some things, like the joy of tracking Santa, are timeless. The world, for one night, is united in a rare moment of shared experience, and even as they ask “Where is Santa?”, they already know he’s right there in their hearts, symbolizing the warmth of this festive time of the year.

On this special night, as the clock counts down, remember to set out the milk and cookies, tuck in the little ones, and settle down to follow the wondrous odyssey of a man in a red suit who, in the hearts of many, doesn’t just deliver presents, but carries with him a message of hope and goodwill. Keep your eyes on the skies, for Santa Claus is coming tonight — and rest assured, NORAD will tell you exactly when to expect him.




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