Bo Rani Lal
News Tango
Published in
2 min readJan 3, 2022


Hold Anti-vaxxers, Trump and Republicans Responsible

So more Americans died of COVID in 2021 than in 2020? I see many Trump lovers are making this a referendum on their beloved.

“More people succumbed to COVID under Biden..ha ha ha!” they say.

Instead, this is a case of misconstrued statistics. The real story, I argue, derives from Trump’s incitement of the anti-vaccine movement. It comes from his narcissism to follow those who gawk him rather than leading towards the common good. Even through T has been thrown off the pedestal, Republicans are modeling him. They yield to psychotics instead of governing. The pathos of “hating masks” and “fearing lockdowns” gets rewarded over health. Where once the mighty dollar took precedence in motivating people, now it’s emotions.

The Washington Post’s January 2 editorial spells out the root of the problem. <>

According to this piece, Republican governors are giving tax dollars to unvaccinated people who’ve lost their jobs.

“The five states — Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, Kansas and Tennessee — are granting people unemployment aid if they lose a job because they refuse to get vaccinated. This is not how unemployment compensation is supposed to work,” writes the editorial board.

For decades, Republicans have berated those who take public assistance, calling them “Welfare Queens.” Yet amidst a deadly pandemic, spreading disease crowns these irrationals Queen.

The editorial states it aptly when it writes, “political leaders should be doing everything they can to urge people to get vaccinated, not rewarding them for opting out.”

Washington’s major newspaper points out that from an economic perspective, when people don’t get vaccinated, cases spike. This keeps people behind closed doors instead out and about spending money. This hurts local businesses.

The editorial proves that anti-vaxxers , egged on by T and applauded by T hopefuls should be blamed for killing more COVID patients under Trump than Biden.

When will people focus on building back America (pun intended) in lieu of tearing it apart?



Bo Rani Lal
News Tango

I philosophize socioeconomic-cultural issues. My multi-prong identity shapes my perspectives: Gen X, Indian American, female & left of center.