Food for Thought: How Flavanols in Your Diet Shapes Your Memory

Have you ever forgotten why you walked into a room? Or struggled to remember someone’s name?

Recardie Murray
News Break AI
5 min readJun 1, 2023


Forgetfulness (sciencemaster)

A recent study conducted by researchers from Columbia University has discovered that a diet low in flavanols, which are nutrients found in certain fruits and vegetables, contributes to age-related memory loss.

The study found that older adults who consumed fewer flavanols performed worse on memory tests designed to detect memory loss due to normal aging.

However, when these adults with mildly low flavanol levels were given flavanol supplements, their performance on the tests improved.

The results suggest that including flavanol-rich foods or taking flavanol supplements could potentially enhance cognitive function in older adults.

This finding also supports the idea that the aging brain requires specific nutrients, just as the developing brain does.

The study builds upon over 15 years of research linking age-related memory loss to changes in the dentate gyrus, a region within the hippocampus, which is essential for learning new memories.

Previous studies showed that flavanols, particularly a substance called epicatechin, enhanced memory by promoting the growth of neurons and blood vessels in the hippocampus.

Radient brain (Sciencemaster)

In this study, the researchers tested flavanol supplements in humans. They found that the supplements improved memory by selectively acting on the dentate gyrus and had the most significant impact on individuals with poor-quality diets.

The study involved over 3,500 healthy older adults who were randomly assigned to take a daily flavanol supplement or a placebo for three years.

Participants completed surveys about their diet quality and performed web-based memory tests at various intervals. Some participants also provided urine samples to measure biomarkers for flavanol levels.

Participants who had a poorer diet and lower baseline flavanol levels experienced a significant increase in memory scores after one year of taking the supplement.

The improvement was sustained for at least two more years.

Photo by Anna Bratiychuk on Unsplash

These findings strongly suggest that flavanol deficiency plays a role in age-related memory loss, as flavanol consumption correlated with memory scores, and flavanol supplements improved memory in individuals with low flavanol levels.

When I read this article this week it opened my eyes into the connection between our diet and memory. So let me explain what exactly is Favanols and what food choices that are good for your brain.

Flavanols are natural compounds present in foods like dark chocolate, berries, red wine, tea, onions, and citrus fruits.

These flavanols contain antioxidants that have been linked to various health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

But here’s the exciting part: they may also have a positive impact on our cognitive function and help protect against age-related memory decline.

By consuming a variety of flavanol-rich foods, you can potentially enhance your memory and overall brain health.

Imagine the impact of incorporating these flavanol-rich foods into your daily diet. By making simple yet conscious choices, you have the opportunity to nurture your memories and support your brain health as you age.

Food Choices to Boost Flavanol Intake

  1. Dark Chocolate: Indulge in the pleasure of dark chocolate, as it contains a higher cocoa content than milk chocolate, making it a rich source of flavanols.
  2. Berries: Blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries are all excellent choices packed with anthocyanins, a specific type of flavonoid.
  3. Red Wine: Enjoy a glass of red wine in moderation to benefit from the flavonoid resveratrol, known for its health-boosting properties. Remember, moderation is key.
  4. Tea: Both black and green tea are great sources of flavonoids. Green tea, in particular, contains a high amount of catechins, a specific type of flavonoid.
  5. Onions: Add onions to your dishes to incorporate quercetin, a beneficial flavonoid, into your diet.
  6. Citrus Fruits: Oranges, lemons, and grapefruits are not only refreshing but also provide a good dose of flavonoids.

Embracing a Flavanol-Rich Lifestyle

Photo by Annemarie Grudën on Unsplash

Incorporating flavanol-rich foods into our diet is just the beginning. To truly embrace a flavanol-rich lifestyle, we need to cultivate mindful eating habits and make conscious choices that support our cognitive health.

Here are a few tips to help you:

  1. Diversify Your Plate: Aim for a colorful and varied diet. Explore different fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to ensure you’re getting a wide range of nutrients, including flavanols.
  2. Mindful Snacking: Instead of reaching for processed snacks, opt for flavanol-rich alternatives. Keep a stash of dark chocolate, berries, or citrus fruits handy for satisfying and nutritious snacks.
  3. Cook with Flavanols: Experiment with recipes that incorporate flavanol-rich ingredients. Add berries to your morning oatmeal, sprinkle onions into your salads and stir-fries, or indulge in a delectable cocoa-infused dessert.
  4. Brew a Cup of Wellness: Replace sugary beverages with a cup of tea. Whether it’s black or green tea, let the comforting warmth and flavonoid goodness nourish both your body and mind.
  5. Balance and Moderation: While flavanols offer numerous health benefits, it’s important to maintain a balanced approach. Enjoy dark chocolate and red wine in moderation, and remember that a healthy diet is about overall choices, not isolated indulgences.

So, can you commit to making long-term changes that will benefit our memory and brain health?

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

By embracing a flavanol-rich lifestyle, we not only prioritize our own well-being but also contribute to a broader understanding of the impact of nutrition on memory.

Each bite you take becomes an opportunity to nurture your mind. To protect your memories, and live a life filled with mental vitality, that you can remember.



Recardie Murray
News Break AI

Writer passionate about storytelling and writing that inspires, educates and entertains.