Here’s Why AI brings soaring emissions for Google and Microsoft, a major contributor to climate change

The Environmental Cost of AI: A Deep Dive into Its Energy Consumption

Earl Cotten


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The Environmental Cost of AI: A Deep Dive into Its Energy Consumption

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a cornerstone of modern technology, but its growing sophistication comes at a significant environmental cost. Jesse Dodge, a senior research analyst at the Allen Institute for AI, recently highlighted the alarming energy consumption of AI chatbots. According to Dodge, “One query to ChatGPT uses approximately as much electricity as could light one light bulb for about 20 minutes.” When millions of users interact with AI daily, the cumulative energy consumption is staggering.

AI’s energy demands far exceed those of traditional internet activities such as search queries or cloud storage. A report by Goldman Sachs reveals that a single ChatGPT query requires nearly 10 times the electricity of a Google search query. As AI systems become more advanced, their energy needs will…



Earl Cotten

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