Is it time for women to go to the army?

Published in
2 min readMay 27, 2021

A longstanding controversy surrounding military service is in the limelight again. The controversy was prompted by a politician’s suggestion to change the current conscription based system in favour of one encouraging volunteers. A petition urging for the creation of a unisex military system has gained over 20 thousand supports.

In Korea, technically every man should serve in the army for 18 months (the term slightly varies depending on the types of the army) Although those with severe illnesses or reasons such as the difficulty of living can be exempt from the draft, conscription rates have increased to nearly 90% due to low fertility rates.

Army conscripts sing a marching song at a basic training graduation ceremony in Gwangju, Jan. 8, 2020. (Yonhap)

With increasing draft rates and competition in society, dissatisfaction with the current conscription system has been escalating among men. Especially, given that nearly 2 years in the early 20s is crucial in career developments or studies, and traditional gender roles have been largely shattered, many argue for the revamp of the system.

However, military service doesn’t just disadvantage men. Experiences in the army help deepen bonds among men and reinforce patriarchal values. Such a culture of conscription tends to create cliques of those with shared military backgrounds while excluding others, including both men and women, who lack them.

Furthermore, there’s a widely held misconception that men with military experiences are proven to be good at group work and thereby better team players. This arguably has resulted in men with army credentials being favoured over those without in society.

In response to the petition, the defense ministry said that the shift would only be possible after rigorous social discourse and once money and peace are secured, implicitly denying the feasibility of conscription for women.

Even so, with decreasing populations and changing public perceptions about military service, the defense ministry’s concern is deepening.

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Living in South Korea. Writing about South Korea. Still navigating my country and the world