5 Helpful Lessons I Learned While Growing My Newsletter

If you’re not happy as a creator, you’re doing something wrong!

Evan Kelly
Newsletter Alchemy


Photo by Katie Barrett on Unsplash

This past summer, I switched gears.

I closed the doors on two of my digital products, abandoned đť•Ź as a traffic source, and killed my old newsletter.

The results were predictable:

My income plummeted and my audience growth flatlined.

I felt burnt out, extremely frustrated, and filled with anxiety over the thought that I would never break away from the freelancing grind.

I’m married with three kids. I don’t have a lot of time to invest. Everywhere I look, it seems like time is what you need if you want to build a successful business online these days.

As summer came to a close, I was on the verge of giving up completely.

I felt dejected and lost. For about 10 minutes.

Then I told myself:

“This can’t be that hard!

I’m working with clients who are building businesses right in front of my face”

I took a deep breath, said “fuck it” and ignored all the bullshit that didn’t matter.



Evan Kelly
Newsletter Alchemy

I’ll show you how to launch and grow a profitable online business with content marketing and tiny emails! https://newsletteralchemy.com