The Rise of Atomic Newsletters 🚀

And why you should start one ASAP!

Evan Kelly
Newsletter Alchemy


Photo by Taylor Peake on Unsplash

Over the past few years, I’ve noticed a trend emerge in the newsletter space. Long newsletters are out. Short newsletters are in.

Josh Spector is the first creator I know who built a large audience by publishing a short 1–2 sentence newsletter called “For The Interested.”

Christian Collard recently launched, grew, and sold “8 AM” to Wisdom Media by following the same basic format.

And the inspiration for my own newsletter was my friend Jamie Northrup - Minimalist Hustler who has been writing and sending his “Minimalist Hustler Daily” newsletter for 530+ issues at the time of this writing.

These types of newsletters are what I call “Atomic Newsletters.”

Still confused?

Don’t worry.

Let’s break it down.

What is an Atomic Newsletter, Exactly?

You may have heard about the concept of writing an Atomic Essay.

The idea was popularized by Dickie Bush as a way to stay consistent with publishing…



Evan Kelly
Newsletter Alchemy

I’ll show you how to launch and grow a profitable online business with content marketing and tiny emails!