Il solito (…) piatto!

salvo fedele
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2016

per il Journal Club #NOECM

Prima avevo una certezza: i case report hanno il livello più basso di evidenza ma in letteratura sono tra le cose più pratiche e vere che si leggono…
Adesso che ho scoperto che in dieci “ricercatori” si può firmare che un morto è vivo… crolla anche questo…
Dio Buono non si può più leggere nulla senza passare per rompiballe!

Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this case report and accompanying images. A copy of the written consent is available for review by the Editor-in-Chief of this journal on request.
Patient perspective
At the time of admission, the patient was frustrated and worried
because of the unexplained reasons underlying his condition.
After treatment, the health status improved significantly but
gradually. Fortunately, the patient did not develop psychiatric disturbances requiring treatment, but he felt that a more readily
suspected diagnosis as well as more appropriate information and
timely removal of the diverted segment would have avoided further
nuisances. The patient is currently in good health status and would have undergone the treatment again.
Fonte: PMC Free Full Text



salvo fedele

pediatra a Palermo; mi piace scrivere, ma cerco di non abusare di questo vizio per evitare di togliere tempo al… leggere (╯°□°)