When you donate to the causes you care about on #GivingTuesday, remember the journalists who cover them

Around the country nonprofit newsrooms are making an difference in your community and NewsMatch is doubling donations to 155 of them.

Josh Stearns
5 min readNov 26, 2018


On November 27 tens of thousands of charities working on issues ranging from healthcare to housing, education to the environment, civil rights to criminal justice, will take part in Giving Tuesday, a global day of giving. No matter what issue you care about you’ll be able to find and support nonprofits working to make a difference. And for every one of these issues there are also nonprofit news organizations whose reporting is helping to reveal injustice, seek accountability, and shine a spotlight on solutions. That’s why this Giving Tuesday we are also celebrating #GivingNewsDay, in recognition of the vital role that journalism plays in our communities and our democracy.

#GivingNewsDay is part of NewsMatch, a national call to action to support journalism that strengthens democracy. From November 1 to December 31 NewsMatch will double donations to 155 nonprofit newsrooms all across the United States.

NewsMatch launched #GivingNewsDay alongside Giving Tuesday to highlight the ways local news and investigative reporting contribute to healthy and just communities. Over the last decade nonprofit journalism has become a profoundly important part of America’s media landscape. Like so many nonprofit organizations, these news outlets are committed to serving their communities and the public good, and depend on donations to keep their doors open.

Photos via Grist and ProPublica

Research has shown that erosions in local news lead to lower voting rates, pose challenges to community health, increase the risk of pollution, and lead to more government waste. Nonprofit newsrooms are dedicated to in-depth reporting on issues and places that are too often overlooked. That reporting sparks meaningful change in people’s lives.

These are just a few of the 155 nonprofit newsrooms participating in NewsMatch and #GivingNewsDay. At NewsMatch.org you can search by topic or location and find vetted, trustworthy nonprofit newsrooms to follow and support. You can even add multiple newsrooms to your donation cart and support them all with one donation. Best of all, every dollar you give to nonprofit journalism will be doubled by NewsMatch.

Images via Marshall Project, Oklahoma Watch, Mississippi Today, and Investigative Reporting Workshop

This Giving Tuesday, if you are giving to your local food bank, give to the journalists who are covering hunger and homelessness too. If you are giving to conservation organizations, support environmental reporting too. Progress on so many issues depends on the coverage those issues receive and we have to ensure that we have a strong watchdog press that serves the public. When you donate to nonprofit news you are helping shine a spotlight on the issues you care about and you are giving to journalists who answer to you.

Help turn Giving Tuesday into #GivingNewsDay. When you support the causes you care about, don’t forget to give to the journalists who cover them. Get started at NewsMatch.org and every donation you make will be doubled.

Photo via Highlands Current

Josh Stearns is Director of the Public Square Program at the Democracy Fund, a bipartisan foundation working to ensure that our political system is able to withstand new challenges and deliver on its promise to the American people.



Josh Stearns

Senior Director, Public Square Program at the Democracy Fund. Journalism and democracy of, by and for the people. Formerly: @grdodge @freepress