5 Tips to Maximize your Negotiating Power

News on the Bloc
Published in
3 min readApr 13, 2017

Entering a new field can be intimidating. You’re confident in your abilities, but do you feel confident in negotiating your new salary? We want Bloc students to know their worth. Below are five tips to help you maximize your negotiating power and make the most of your new role.

Do Your Research
To make any valid argument, you must know the facts. When applying for a job, look into the average salary for that position in the area. This number varies across cities due to the difference in cost of living and demand for that particular industry. Thankfully, web design and development are continuously growing industries and therefore are in high demand in large U.S. cities. These two professions are also among some of the highest paying.

Remember: You are Valuable
Even though you may feel apprehensive about your lack of professional work experience in this field, you are valuable. Aside from the fact that you are in the process of finishing up a rigorous online bootcamp, your previous work experience is not wasted. If you worked as a salesperson in the past, for example, you have the unique abilities to pitch your ideas and effectively communicate their long-term benefits that some other web developers/designers haven’t been taught. Additionally, working in related fields helps tenfold. If you have had a background in education and work as a developer for an edtech startup, your applied experience can help you make more informed decisions about the product and increase your value at the company.

Don’t Lead with a Number
During the interview process, many applicants fall into the trap of stating a number. Unless you have done ample research not only about the average salary in the area but at that company specifically, you could end up selling yourself short. If an interviewer prompts you to state a number and you are not prepared, ask what the starting salary is for the position or tell them you will follow up with an answer after comparing competing offers.

Know Your Strengths and Sell Them
While it is important to know your value, you must be able to communicate this to your interviewer. Leverage your experience through Bloc’s program and your previous work experience to showcase your unique abilities. While you may think your background in tutoring isn’t relevant, it speaks volumes about your skills in the workplace. Tutoring requires patience, discipline, and excellent communication skills. These are highly valued attributes in any office. When going through your work history, sell every single part of who you are and do so boldly.

This is Not your Last Job Offer
Though the team here at Bloc couldn’t be any prouder that you have landed a job, we don’t want you to accept a job that pays lower than it should just because this is your first offer. This certainly won’t be your last, and leveraging this ability to negotiate and sometimes say no will make sure of that. While we don’t encourage settling, it is important to realize that your first job out of our bootcamp may not be your dream job. The most important thing for our graduates is that they get a role that not only has monetary value but long-term returns for learning and advancing your skills.



News on the Bloc

An online education company with coding and design programs built for outcomes. Check out our publication, News on the Bloc, as well as our website, bloc.io.