Lauren Stewart
News on the Bloc
Published in
3 min readOct 30, 2019


Did you know that web development is considered the best job of 2019? According to US World News & Report, creating software tops the list for fulfilling and highly lucrative careers. And Robert Half revealed that UX design will be the top paying creative profession for 2020. Join the ranks of highly satisfied and highly paid tech professionals by taking Bloc’s Web Developer Track or Designer Track.

Need more encouragement? Here’s seven reasons why you should choose Bloc:

More time to do what you love

“Going through the Bloc program has changed my life, and I can also predict the long-term positive effects. This career change is going to allow for more professional options and better income, which in turn, means more opportunities to do the things that I love on the side. Music, photography, and traveling.” — Stephen P. Web Developer grad, Junior Web Developer at Hello World.

Intellectual stimulation

“Bloc helped in challenging me to push through roadblocks while coding complex systems. Bloc also helped in developing my networking skills. Now, I have a job that doubled my previous pay, and is much more challenging, mentally stimulating, and rewarding.” — Hunter H. Web Developer grad, Software Engineer at Vizient

More confidence

“Before taking Bloc, I didn’t have a clear direction of how to change my career into a developer. Bloc laid out a path for me to follow along with supportive mentors.

As an immigrant from Japan who went through countless struggles to find a meaningful career due to my lack of confidence and low self-esteem, Bloc made a huge impact on my life. Now I feel more confident in myself and have a sense of stability where I can keep learning and growing as a software engineer.” — Arata K. Web Developer grad, Software Engineer at HLS Global

Positive life transformation

“Bloc changed my life! As a struggling musician working dead-end jobs, I knew I had to do better for my family. Now, I have a promising career ahead of me as a UX/UI Designer, and it feels like the opportunities are endless. At my new job, my passion for design, music, and church ministry all intersect. It feels like Divine Providence orchestrated this new season of life for me and my family, and it all began with Bloc.” — David F. Designer grad, UX/UI Designer at Elevation Church

A supportive learning community

“Deciding to take this journey with Bloc was one of the most important decisions I’ve ever made in my professional career. I knew what I wanted to do, and Bloc showed me a path on how to get to where I wanted to be.

I can’t imagine where I would be today if I hadn’t decided to bet on myself and on Bloc and trust in their curriculum and mentorship. I would say 100% the best part about Bloc is the support I received from the Bloc community, especially from my mentor — Lauren S., and my Career Coach — Susan M. They were my biggest cheerleaders in times of trial, triumph, and tribulation.” — Maria S. Designer grad, UX Designer at SkillsEngine


“For the first time in my life I have a job doing something I love, in a fantastic company, in a stable profession, making enough money to support my family. Now I can look forward to going to work every week for the rest of my life.” — Wes M. Web Developer grad, Software Engineer at Biola University

Enhanced professional growth

“I reached a plateau in my career. But Bloc gave me the knowledge and the opportunity to pivot into a new career which would allow me to continue challenging myself. This change in career definitely helps financially since it gave me a nice raise. I’ve always dreamed of being able to make a difference in the lives of others through my designs, and I’ve finally found a profession where that will be possible.” — Alberto B. Designer grad, Product Designer at Prevail Health

Ready to jumpstart your new career in tech?

Schedule a call with one of our advisors today.

