From Business Analyst to Web Developer
News on the Bloc
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2018

After working as a Business Analyst and briefly attending medical school, Alex realized he was more passionate about technology. He enrolled in Bloc’s Web Developer Track to pursue the career he’s always wanted.

Tell me: what were you doing before Bloc?
Before Bloc, I was a Business Analyst and a very briefly a medical school student.

Why did you end up taking Bloc?
Prior to enrolling in Bloc, I was a Business Analyst and I briefly attended medical school in Antigua for a short period of time in 2017. Unforeseen family circumstances came up during my time there that did not allow me to continue my education. Once I arrived back in the states, I decided not to continue in the medical field as I discovered I was more passionate about technology. I was a very unhappy medical student and I wanted to make sure I did a lot of research on development bootcamps before committing. The program at Bloc stood out for the combination of skills, mentor-based learning, and the ability to choose the backend technology you want to learn (Ruby on Rails or Node.js).

How did taking Bloc impact your career and life?
Bloc enabled me to get my foot in the door and transition to a career that I could not have attained without. My past degree is not relevant to the field and neither was my experience. Enrolling in the web development program at Bloc allowed me to have an “in” with employers that otherwise would not have looked at my resume.

What was your favorite part of the Bloc curriculum?
The guided and structured learning, this encouraged deeper concept exploration and touched base on topics such as Algorithms and Databases. Not all bootcamps do that! This part of the curriculum was very important, not only for the job search, but for your ability to build out real applications.

Tell us about your favorite project. What was it and what was your process?

