From Marketer to Software Engineer

News on the Bloc
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2018

Bloc’s Web Developer Track gave Katie the opportunity to learn while working full-time at Home Chef. Now, she’s transitioned to a Software Engineer Apprentice role within her company! Read more about her journey from marketing to development.

Tell me: what were you doing before Bloc?

Customer Outreach Lead at Home Chef

Why did you end up taking Bloc?

When I started at Home Chef I was a customer support agent, and I ended up transitioning to marketing when a position opened up. Not long after I got news the majority of the tasks in the role would be automated and it was up to me to figure out how to grow from there. I got my hands in a few different aspects of marketing and the technical side really was my favorite. After a lot of talk with some of the engineers at the company I knew I wanted to learn to code to take my career to the next level!

How did taking Bloc change your life?

I’m so happy I decided to enroll in Bloc, because I was able to keep working at my company and be open about my growth which led to a new title. This is opening the door to so many opportunities. I’m just excited to learn from within a team, and I know having this engineering foundation will set me up to be able to do product management, data science, or anything!

What advice would you give to other Bloc students that are currently looking for a job?

Apply for role at a tech start up and move up the ladder! I’m sure that’s not feasible for many students and I’m very very lucky. But the most important thing I’ve learned it to be confident in your plan and talk to as many people in tech roles as you possibly can. Consult everyone and figure out what’s right for you based on the feedback.



News on the Bloc

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