Student Spotlight: Anthony, JC, and Tina

News on the Bloc
Published in
4 min readMay 11, 2017

Bloc’s mission is to help everyone pursue their craft and improve their lives. Our best tradition at Bloc is to celebrate the amazing students that complete their program and go on to get a job every week. This helps us put our work into perspective, and allows our mentors to introduce their truly inspiring students to the rest of our team. Anthony Pennacchio, JC Dela Cuesta, and Tina Liu are just three examples of the thousands of the go-getters in our programs.

Anthony Pennacchio

Company: GiveBackTime in Arlington, MA

Bloc Program: Part-Time Web Developer Program

Tell me: what were you doing before Bloc?

I was a Sous Chef working in an Italian Restaurant.

Why did you end up taking Bloc?

I wanted to learn a new skill in an exciting field. Bloc presented me with that opportunity with the Part-Time Web Development track.

How did taking Bloc change your life?

Bloc changed my life for the better. I am now employed as a web developer, where I can do what I love to do as a job. In the future, I hope to make a positive impact on the world through web development.

What advice would you give to other Bloc students that are currently looking for a job?

Don’t get discouraged: keep looking, keep applying, and put yourself out there. Practice interviewing with yourself, your family, and don’t be afraid to go for an opportunity that may be out of your comfort zone. Any experience in the application process is good experience.

Which project (portfolio, capstone, etc.) are you most proud of?

JC Dela Cuesta

Company: IDM Brand in Santa Monica, CA

Bloc Program: Designer Track

What is the title of your new position?

Jr. UX Designer

Tell me: what were you doing before Bloc?

I was working as a contract photographer and graphic designer for an automotive digital marketing agency.

Why did you end up taking Bloc?

I was always interested in art and design growing up, but I never realized my potential until I took some foundational classes in college and completed a few internships. After this, I got more interested in UX/UI design and researched remote programs that I could enroll in while working full-time. I was fortunate enough to receive the Diversity Scholarship that Bloc offers and the rest was history.

Above all else, though, I wanted to sharpen my problem solving skills and approach to design. I knew my visual design skills were solid, but I really wanted to learn more about the process of solving experience design problems. Along with having a professional UX mentor, Bloc provided me with the necessary foundation and roadmap to successfully land a job within a few weeks of launching my portfolio. Bloc’s Student Success team also did an incredible job in helping me throughout the job search process. The network and resources are definitely there for you, it’s just a matter of how well you utilize them.

How did taking Bloc change your life?

Bloc pushed me to go after what I wanted after spending a good amount of time working in other fields. The program itself is really structured and you get a lot of value by being motivated and by engaging with the community. Also, the transition to a new career was seamless and now I have a clearer vision of where I want to be 5–10 years from now. A few of my aspirations like getting into art direction and building my coding skills are now possible thanks to the awesome team at Bloc.

What advice would you give to other Bloc students that are currently looking for a job?

Be persistent and trust the process. Nothing happens overnight, but being disciplined in your job search and working on your craft every day does pay off. I focused on how I presented my design process in my portfolio and how I communicated with Recruiters and HR Managers. I also think personalizing your approach for each company you’re interested in gives you a greater chance of getting a response. Ultimately though, being confident in yourself and having the desire to continue learning will keep you motivated throughout the job process. Doing your research, directly reaching out to people within the company, and showcasing your ability to solve problems are all really important as well.

Which project (portfolio, capstone, etc.) are you most proud of?

Tina Liu

Company: LifeTales in Toronto, Canada

Bloc Program: Designer Track

What’s the title of your new position?

UX Designer

Why did you end up taking Bloc?

Wanted to get into more UX position, do more problem solving and strategy, less pixel pushing.

How did taking Bloc change your life?

My mentor gave me lots of encouragement and gave me the confidence to call myself a designer. Also the feedback and critique I receive from the community is invaluable. I learned to talk about design and give other people feedback by providing feedback on their work.

What advice would you give to other Bloc students that are currently looking for a job?

Network; focus on one company and application at a time, send out one amazing application instead of 10 ok applications.

Which project (portfolio, capstone, etc.) are you most proud of?

We’re incredibly proud of Anthony, JC, Tina, and all the students who have gone through our programs and gotten jobs. Want to see if Bloc can help you change your career? Schedule a call with a Student Advisor today.



News on the Bloc

An online education company with coding and design programs built for outcomes. Check out our publication, News on the Bloc, as well as our website,