SpaceX’s Moon Announcement

John Tucker
NewSpace Hub
Published in
1 min readSep 30, 2018

Another Giant Leap for Humanity

Unless you were somehow off-the-grid, I’m sure you heard the announcement from SpaceX earlier this week. If not, allow us to be the first to tell you!

SpaceX is planning on sending a BFR mission around the Moon in 2023…crewed by artists from around the world. Led by Japanese billionaire and art collector Yusaku Maizawa, he purchased all of the seats for this particular mission, with the intent of offering them to other global artists (authors, composers, painters, sculptors, etc.) for free, with the goal of inspiring truly out-of-this-world artistic creations as they join him on this mission. Yusaku Maizawa calls his project #dearmoon.

This got us at NewSpace Hub wondering: what other space ventures relating to “art” are there?

More than you’d imagine, actually. Check out NSH to see them, and others.

