Kalil Family Foundation Supports New Story

The New Story community is filled with gratitude as we announce the Kalil Family Foundation as our newest supporters.

Brett Hagler
New Story
2 min readJun 21, 2019


Former Caroline Panther star center, Ryan Kalil, is passionate about empowering low-income families in Latin America and applying technology for maximum impact.

New Story is a four-year-old housing nonprofit pioneering solutions to end global homelessness. What do this young charity and former Panther have in common? Passion for utilizing innovation to solve the world’s homelessness crisis.

Recently, the Kalil family decided to generously donate to fund homes in the world’s first 3D printed community, under construction later this year.

3D Community rendering by Fuse Project

The 3D printer, named the Vulcan II, makes it possible to print a home in 24 hours, with a concrete 3x stronger than traditional building, and producing virtually zero waste.

Beautiful, safe, and built to last, so more families like Maribel (below) and her children can have access to one of life’s most basic needs — shelter.

“It’s not safe here.” Says Maribel. “At night, bugs come in from everywhere. When it rains, water pours in and covers the floor. All of us share one bed, so we are not wet but our belongings get soaked. My children have no future here. A new home… that will give my children a place to grow. It will keep them safe off of the streets.”

A tremendous thank you to the Kalil family as they take part in transforming inadequate housing into homes with generational impact.

