Q2 Rundown

New Story
New Story
Published in
4 min readJul 6, 2017
The team all together wrapping up Q1 in El Salvador.

Another quarter, another update to bring you inside of what’s been happening inside our walls . Can we start by saying, “THANK YOU!”? If you’re reading this, you’re clearly invested in New Story. We’re honored to be on this journey with you. Have thoughts, feedback, or questions? We love ‘em! Send them my way so we’ll know more than our moms are reading this.

What we did in Q2 2017:

We raised $244,868.89 for homes from 907 donors, enough to fund about 40 homes. We also confirmed an exciting 80 home ($480,000) partnership with G2 Crowd. (More about this later this quarter.)

Additionally, 51 homes (previously funded) were built.

One of the families who’s home was funded in Q2. A single grandmother who will now have a safe home to raise her two grandchildren in!

We had a lot of other milestones in the last 91 days.

  • We hosted some of our favorite NFL players (Cliff Avril, Michael Bennett, Marshawn Lynch, and Leger Douzable) in Haiti to see the impact of their donations.
  • Sherry Chris, CEO of Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate, visited the BHGRE community in El Salavdor and saw the first complete homes. She described the experience as “one of the best days of her life.”
  • Our Impact Data team collected more on the ground surveys than ever before. This led to some amazing analysis for our communities. We’ve put together a deep dive into Leveque, Haiti and Nuevo Cuscatlan, El Salvador so you can understand the full impact.
  • We hosted some of our builders and donors in Haiti for them to see the impact of their work on the ground. One of the donors got to meet the exact family he funded a home for.
Brian and the recipient of of the home he funded with a birthday campaign!
  • Our Operations team did a 8 day road-tour in Mexico to vet our new partners see the communities where we will soon begin building.
  • We just returned from four days all together in California as a team reflecting on Q2 and planning for Q3. We thought big about what we wanted to accomplish this year and broke it down to ensure it all happens. (We also had some competitive cooking challenges that were pretty amazing. If you followed along the fun on Instagram — you’re welcome and I’m sorry.)

Improve through learning is a value of ours, and boy did we do that over the last quarter. Here are two of our failures from the last three months:

  • Our post move-in data surveys highlighted some additional needs for some communities. Specifically, one of our communities in Haiti expressed concerns over where the water is in the community. We were able to dig deeper and determine that we need a new water supply in a more central area. We’re currently working with partners to make this happen.
  • We’ve not been able to roll out a new piece of technology to our on the ground partners. We stated this project as a our #1 company priority in Q2 but underestimated some of the technical needs that would end up expanding the timeline. This tool will be a HUGE win when it’s officially launched and we’re closer than ever to making that happen!

We’re ready to excel during the next six months.

Our team is expanding (we’re hiring and on-boarding new roles!) and we’re excited about what the new hires will add to our team.

We’re currently under construction in FIVE communities around the world and are thrilled to continue and complete these areas.

With your help, we’re going to fund 350 homes over the next six months. We’re honored you partner with us and are excited to see what we’ll accomplish next!



New Story
New Story

A nonprofit startup building homes and communities in the developing world.