NewsWhip Designers Are…

David Cooke
Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2019
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

This is a small internal piece we use for new team members. It’s designed to help them understand how we work together as a team. I thought people might be interested in getting an insight into the values we encourage at NewsWhip day-to-day.


We’re a small team and we strive to support each other.

Collaboration should be frequent and casual. Feedback on design work should be given in person — please don’t fire visuals up on Slack and expect well-rounded opinions. Make the time to give thoughtful feedback and be available when a colleague reaches out for help.


Design is a craft. Good design requires a mix of discussion and desk work. Ensure you manage your time to accommodate both. In NewsWhip we favour a hub & spoke workflow: Come together to discuss, then separate to produce. Rinse and repeat.

It’s important to block out the time needed for uninterrupted design work — time devoid of meetings, calls or Slack. Try to book slots throughout your week, ideally three to four days in advance. If you don’t fill your calendar, someone else will.

If you encounter difficulties protecting this time, please bring it to the attention of your design lead.


We work hard at NewsWhip to build a supportive and inspiring workplace. Getting honest and frequent feedback is essential to making sure we address everyone’s concerns. 1–1s and retrospectives are the safe places for you to complain, but if you don’t feel comfortable at these, then reach out to your HR rep. They’ll be delighted to receive any feedback you have.


Inspiration can come from anyone and anywhere. Just because you’re the designer doesn’t mean all the ideas have to come from you. Listen to your colleagues and respect their opinions. Be objective and considerate. Often the best ideas come from a new perspective.


Our team goal is simple: Create great work that delights and engages our clients. NewsWhip designers push themselves and each other. We don’t rest on our laurels and we don’t wait for others to inspire us. Every project should have a personal design goal. Something as simple as trying a new font or something as complex as trying a new tool. If you’re not producing something you’d be proud to put in your portfolio, it’s time to get out of your comfort zone.

Nothing too out of the ordinary, but hopefully it gives you a sense of the sort of teams we build at NewsWhip. I’d be curious to read what people think.



David Cooke

Designer and manager for over 20 years. I specialise in UX / Product design management for Saas based companies.