TradingView charts & faster price updates now available on Newton

Miles Chic
Newton Crypto
Published in
3 min readMay 28, 2020

Newton is Canada’s first no-fee cryptocurrency trading platform. Get the best prices in Canada for an expanding selection of crypto pairs.

We’re always busy working improving our platform, and as such we’re excited to announce an overhaul of our existing charts and pricing information.

Faster price updates

With the help of WebSockets, prices now update significantly more frequently than in the past. We also added a nifty animation to let you know when a price just moved up or down.

It makes trading a lot more fun, and we hope you’ll leave Newton open on your desktop to keep an eye on prices.

TradingView charts are now supported

We now support TradingView charts, the industry standard in charting. These update automatically, so no furious mashing of Cmd-R or F5-mashing necessary.

Like with prices, these changes are available today on web and Android, but coming very soon on iOS.

Want it faster on iOS? We don’t mind if you send nice letters to, our head of mobile engineering. He also likes cookies and Beanie Babies, which we will gladly send to him on your behalf.

View the updated charts on web and Android

Line charts are the default mode for viewing real-time pricing.

Specify a date range

Browse charts for every 1, 5, and 30 minutes, 1 and 4 hours, and 1 day.

Once you choose a specified date range, the default line chart view will switch to the candlestick chart view to show more detailed information.

Sign into your Newton account and take advantage of our Give $25, Get $25 Newton Referral Program.

Happy trading! 🤠

