Negative and Postive Feedback Loops of the Jobs Market

Louis Anslow
Published in
1 min readMar 25, 2017

The saying goes you ‘need a degree’ to avoid the catch 22 on the right (below). There is truth to this, this catch 22 keeps millions from fulfilling, high skilled and good paying work. However there are, can and should be more than 2 options for you to build a career and livelihood.

If we want more economic justice, more opportunity for all and economic growth, then we need to create, promote and encourage more routes to fulfilling careers than the two mainstream routes above. Other routes already exist and new routes are being created right now. However, the world still lacks an alternative way to accredit knowledge free from the constraints of college. When a new one emerges many new paths beyond the two above will also.



Louis Anslow

Solutionist • Tech-Progressive • Curator of Pessimists Archive