Network Rules as (Tested) Code

Jordan Dashel
New York Public Radio Digital
10 min readSep 24, 2020
What is the answer, O Deep Thought

Sometimes as developers, we start a bit of work thinking it will be easy. Sometimes it turns out to be not easy. The natural thing to do is to reach for our trusted tools, those reliable methods and strategies for digging ourselves out of holes. Sometimes, those tools are missing.

So we roll our own.

Some time ago, I wanted to update NGINX configurations. I was new to NGINX and figuring it out. Their documentation (though lovely) can be impenetrable. I grokked the NGINX config language by mimicking existing configurations. If I had a specific question about how NGINX might behave in a certain situation, it was hard to discover the answer on my own. NGINX does not support a usably interactive local environment or rapid feedback of any kind. If I wanted to learn how NGINX executes an arbitrary idea, I would need to deploy my NGINX idea to the Staging environment and then grab curl and log on to AWS, waving around my DevOps Dowsing Rod to try and sense if things are both working and not broken. This method was tediously slow and unreliable.

When I write software, there are many ways to ask a question about how things work or about how they might work. Sometimes I go to Stack Overflow or to a smarter coworker, but I love to ask a computer first. There are many ways to ask computers questions. A great one is Test Driven Development. TDD is lit! We can ask many questions quickly, and once a question is asked, we can be confident it will remain answered. Given a question on how something works, write a test to describe the behavior. Run the tests and make them green. Great stuff. If there is a corner case, a test case can expose it. When code turns red, iterate and improve.

I hacked at this particular NGINX task without my usual tools, i.e. TDD, until I started scratching around the corners of an edge case within NGINX itself… I couldn’t figure out what on Earth was going on. Things that I thought to work one way were behaving another. Questions that had already been answered became confused. Things were inconsistent from one Staging deploy to the next. It was impossible to get a definite answer about how things were or were not working.

Until I wrote unettest.

The Monolith and the Microservice

Here at NYPR, we have a Monolith that does many things. We are excising a part of it to turn into a discrete Microservice with the goal of eventually recycling enough parts to put the whole Monolith down.

We also have a playout system used by our radio team that sends us an update every few minutes. These requests come in through an NGINX server and are routed to the Monolith. For now and into the foreseeable future, we want to simultaneously support the Monolith and the Microservice. As a DevOps engineer on staff, I was asked to write a rule in our NGINX configuration to mirror the requests: they should go to both the Microservice and the Monolith. This way, the Monolith would continue to work while the Microservice was under development.

Seems easy. Referencing the NGINX docs, we could take the existing rule and add a mirror directive to a special internal location block.

location ~* /api/v1/impotant_update/([^\/]*) {
proxy_pass $monolith$request_uri; # original behavior
mirror /microservice_mirror/$1; # NEW LINE! ...some other configurations

and then define the mirror route like this

location ~* /microservice_mirror/(.*) {
proxy_pass $microservice/new/api/update?value=$1;
...some other configurations

I fulfilled the requirements (or at least tried to):

  • send incoming request to two servers, ($monolith) and ($microservice)
  • slightly reconfigure the incoming request to fit the API difference

With that done, I committed my NGINX changes and deployed to Staging. But… it did not work. The requests were not being mirrored correctly. The NGINX documentation, through complete and easy to reference, is not beginner friendly. I thought my conf files were malfunctioning due to my own ignorance. While it turned out to be a bug(?) or undefined behavior(?) in NGINX itself, I did not know this at the time. Lacking my familiar toolset that I use to learn unfamiliar technologies (tests!), I tried to fix the conf files with that classic fallback development strategy— guess and check.

As I guessed and checked, NGINX’s behavior became stranger and stranger.

A major hurdle to my progress was the slow process of iterative networking development. It was not user-friendly. It was user-hostile. The cost of making a single guess at a solution was high. I had to:

  • Commit a change
  • Deploy to Staging (~15 minutes wait)
  • Run my manual tests (curl)
  • Wade through CloudWatch logs to find the recorded behavior

Searching CloudWatch is not an easy or reliable way to detect subtle nuances in configuration changes. Often, the test results would not appear at all, I would be searching old time frames, or old tests would be mixed in with the current tests. I was flooded with unrelated logs.

It was a bad way of asking questions. This development cycle was kludgy. I was able to suss out WHAT the behavior was but not WHY. Not even WHAT EXACTLY.

An NGINX Corner Case

The strange symptom I observed was that my Microservice was getting requests that look like $microservice/new/api/update?value=$1. What? NGINX is supposed to INTERPOLATE the money variables?? I should be getting ?value=mycrazyvalue not ?value=$1. Even stranger, I found that if I swapped the mirror, it worked.

That is, when mirroring [a -> b], the values do not get parsed. Mirroring [b -> a] would successfully parse the route. Weird. However, if I wanted to verify that [x -> y] worked or did not work, it would be a 15 minute deployment’s wait to learn the answer.

I wondered, if [a -> b] has a functional $request_uri but a broken $1, does [b -> a] fix $1? Does [b -> a] break $request_uri? Or does $request_uri still work? Does $1 and $request_uri break in the same context? What conditions cause $1 to break? Are there conditions that similarly break $request_uri? These questions were too numerous, too interconnected, and too subtle to wait 15+ minutes between each time I ask. [1]

I kept coming back to the question, “Why?” Why is NGINX behaving like this? NGINX was not giving easy answers. The answers I got were half-answers (for one, mirrors go unlogged by default) and they were hard to find. By the time I found an answer, I had forgotten my question (“was $1used here or was it being redirected in this one?”). The differences were slight, the moving pieces were myriad, and I was getting frustrated.

A Better Way to Ask Questions

How to answer these questions? How to ask them in a less painful way?

How to experiment iteratively and usefully on an NGINX configuration with a learner’s mindset? How to do so quickly? One option would be to load changes directly into the Staging NGINX server. Another way could be adding a dummy/test NGINX server to the network. These are not good solutions — they muck up the nonprod environment too much. More importantly, they do not give better logs or analysis or insight into what is happening.

Another idea would be to run NGINX locally. This seems like a prime candidate for a Works On My Machine certification. It is a dubious solution. NGINX is server software and should be running on servers.

This sounds like it might be a great fit for docker! But if we shove the NGINX files into docker, how would NGINX talk to services on the internet?

I was sick of trying to hook into real-world networks and real-world services. There were too many complications, side effects, and fragile bits. I wanted to rigorously isolate the NGINX files, as a unit. They wanted to squirm away. I was bent on pinning them down for interrogation.

Looking at the internet from NGINX’s perspective, the Monolith and the Microservice are referenced abstractly, as interfaces. It does not matter what these services do when they have been sent the correct request (that would be a side effect). The crucial piece of information to know is that they have been sent the correct request. When they have, they will return a certain response. The internet is abstract, the servers on it conform to an interface.

Why not mock those servers?

The relevant detail regarding Monolith is that it is called with /api/v1/important_update/mycrazyval and the only important detail about Microservice is that it is invoked at the same time, but with /new/api/update?value=mycrazyval.

If we were writing test driven code, we would mock those external systems. Why should network rules be exempt? Let’s Mock these services!

- monolith:
- name: mirror_me_please
route: "/api/v1/important_update/<crazyval>/"
method: "GET"
status: 200
- microservice:
- name: place_to_mirror_to
route: "/new/api/update"
method: "GET"
status: 200
- crazyval

This yaml config conforms to a standard I created for the test framework I wrote called unettest, a test harness for NGINX, APIs, and online services.

This yaml config tells unettest what the network looks like: what services are on the network and what their interfaces look like. Now we can develop confidently against them.

Things that do not matter:

  • that Monolith does 10 million other things
  • what Monolith or Microservice does when these particular endpoints are invoked
  • that Microservice is a Lambda or that Monolith is a legacy pile of spaghetti
  • what Monolith’s dependencies and requirements are
  • that these might be black-box services that cannot be controlled or might (!!) be only available in Production environments

Under the hood, unettest parses that valid and complete configuration file and creates two little local containerized web services conforming to their definitions. They are not functional, but they behave as if they were and their behavior is surveilled by unettest. Their ports are exposed on localhost. More interestingly though, unettest spins up an NGINX server. It must be configured with your own NGINX conf files. NGINX is exposed on localhost:4999.

If I invoke


I can see in my terminal immediately which services are called and how they are called. If I want to switch [a -> b] or [b -> a], I can edit the NGINX files on my laptop, refresh unettest, and immediately see what happens when I curl this little network.

Unit Tests

The Mocks we defined above are Spies; they can be used to observe the network’s behavior.

- test_mirror:
send: "GET"
target: "/api/v1/important_update/urgent/"
crazyval: urgent
- microservice.place_to_mirror_to:
called_times: 1
method: "GET"
return_status: 200
- crazyval
- monolith.mirror_me_please:
called_times: 1
method: "GET"
return_status: 200

This is a definition of a test that can be run against the network of Mocks.

It will curl "/api/v1/important_update/urgent/" against the configured internal NGINX server and then assert that the route defined in the monolith server block and microservice are called in the ways they should be called. This information is collected from the within the Mocks themselves so we can feel safe knowing that when we run these tests, they have run all the way into and out of the NGINX scripts under test. If the Mocks are correctly configured, the route is guaranteed to work as it says it does. It is now under test coverage. You can run this unettest script in your CICD pipelines.


unettest was born as a tool for me to put my untested network rules under locally runnable tests. But I see many ways unettest can help you develop confidently on your own computer, understanding how things will work in the strange twists and turns of the Internet. Networks, servers, nonprod and production environments can be made into configurable interfaces to be worked against.

You could easily write a lambda plugin (or ask me! I take feature requests!) to run lambdas locally on your laptop. AWS has announced SAM Local, but from what I’ve read, it looks too heavy for what I need. It does not work well with our existing CI setup. I don’t want to replace my deployment infrastructure in order to run a lambda on localhost. But it is also annoying to write around the specialist AWS infrastructure (hello, lambda specific request json — statusCode, body, content).

unettest can jack up a Lambda or an NGINX configuration or anything else you can fit on a container into a test harness. Now you can easily get under the hood of your network. You can see how things work in the cloud from the isolated safety of your local dev environment. u got a network? u net test.

If you want to get started with unettest, check out the website and documentation at There is a tutorial! Please reach out to me personally if you have trouble or questions. unettest is a high-functioning beta so send me bug reports! Feature requests! Whatever you need!

[1] So… what’s the verdict on that weird NGINX behavior? I isolated things in unettest and it looks like if you pass a $1 to an internal mirror, it will not evaluate/expand it. However, $request_uri works from both the mirror and parent block. Always.

$1 cannot be accessed directly from the mirror as if it is in scope, $request_uri can be accessed as if it is in scope.

You can pass a literal into (.*) in the location line--it will receive that value and parse it into a local (mirror) $1. That is, mirror /microservice_mirror/LITERAL will be received by location ~* /microservice_mirror/(.*) and parse out LITERAL into the $1 value.

But if you try to pass in $1 from the parent block, it remains $1 in the mirror, as if you passed it the string literal "$1". I think. Like I said, I am still an NGINX beginner.

