Introducing HomeCourt Drills

Nex Inc.
Published in
4 min readMar 12, 2019

“Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.” — Timothy Gallwey, The Inner Game

HomeCourt started with the principle that you can’t improve what you can’t measure. Utilizing cutting-edge mobile artificial intelligence, HomeCourt’s shot tracking and Shot Science engine made it easier than ever to track basketball workouts without sensors or expensive equipment while providing live shooting analytics that can’t be seen with the naked eye.

We followed our shot tracking experience with fun, engaging dribble workouts, enabling our community to work on their game even if they aren’t on a court.

In just 7 months, the HomeCourt community has tracked over 10 million shots and 10 million dribbles in over 150 countries, but this was just the beginning.

Shots tracked all over the world

Today, we are excited to announce the next chapter in revolutionizing basketball training for everyone, anywhere: HomeCourt Drills

Learning = Instruction + Practice + Feedback

“…we talking about practice.” — Allen Iverson

In school, effective learning happens via a three-step process: clear instruction from an instructor, practice through guided, structured assignments, and feedback on those assignments through assessment.

However, in digital basketball education, this process is broken.

An aspiring basketball player today who wants to work on their game by themselves has access to thousands of instructional basketball videos available across every online channel you can imagine.

But that’s all you get. Only instruction and maybe some light guidance on a drill to practice on your own. No meaningful feedback from an instructor or coach. The learning loop is incomplete.

But what if you could get that type of feedback as if an instructor was observing your practice and progress day-by-day? What if you could get those important observations in real-time, anywhere you bring your phone?

With HomeCourt Drills, we close that feedback loop and transform your phone into your own virtual on-demand skills coach.

How HomeCourt Drills Work

  1. Instruction: Select a drill from Record menu and watch a quick instructional video.

2. Practice: Record your drill and get audio-feedback for every rep you take.

3. Feedback: Receive a real-time assessment with star ratings and review your drill stats with auto-produced highlights.

Turning Practice Into Play

“Since the mind seems to have a will of its own, how can one learn to keep it in the present? By practice.”
―Timothy Gallwey, The Inner Game

Learning can be accelerated when the learning process itself is fun and engaging. And practice is especially fun and motivating when you start to see the results from the work you put in.

That’s why HomeCourt Drills are purposefully designed to feel like a game.

Using mobile artificial intelligence, each drill measures you in real-time across different criteria that are designed to help you focus on the lessons at hand and gives you simple attainable goals expressed through star ratings.

For example, the assessment for the Elbow Pull-Ups drill looks at shooting percentage as well as your speed to help you focus on the game-pace quality of your reps.

As you improve across each criterion, the more stars you earn and the more badges and achievements you unlock, much like how you earn points and rewards as you master different skills in a video game.

Through these types of experiences, we can start practicing with more intention while also making practice fun.

And the more fun we have learning , the more we can improve our game.

Just ask one of our top users Lanie Grant.




Nex Inc.

Nex is a motion-based entertainment company that transforms activity into play.