Published in
3 min readJan 19, 2022


The world is constantly evolving, and unending technological innovations are at the forefront of the new world order. The human race is deepened into the technological wave so much that it controls us. The internet plays a huge role in technological trends. It is known as the virtual safe place for individuals — away from the physical world. People connect with mutual friends online and strangers alike. They share ideas, collaborate on projects, learn virtually, and even have fun in different ways.

An important aspect of the internet that calls for concern is the issue of data privacy and protection. There are hundreds of reported cases of data leakage which has had a devastating effect on affected individuals and corporations. With stolen identities, a lot of individuals’ personal information has been compromised, leaving them at the pity of cybercriminals and identity thieves.

The problem of Internet Safety and Identity theft

When internet users go online to share information about themselves, they do it with the certainty that any chosen platform would safeguard their data. This is not always the case, as there are reported incidents of stolen identity, exposed data, and data misuse without the owner’s consent. The breach of data privacy is done in several ways. The organization entrusted with the data might choose to sell it to a third party, cybercriminals can gain unauthorized access to the database through hacking, among others.

The Conversation reported that over the past decade, there have been almost 10,000 data breaches involving personal information of all kinds. From financial transactions to health data. The report further explained that ‘data breaches are often enabled by the availability of stolen or leaked passwords that are quickly used to gain access to other sites. Identity theft is a lot easier because people often choose the same password for use on different sites.

Adults are not the only victims of identity theft. Kids are not left out in the bitter occurrence as well. This calls for serious concern as it poses a great threat to the privacy of victims.

Children as victims of identity theft

Children in public and private schools are said to be leading victims of data breaches and identity compromise. Schools were noted as the major target point for hackers who monetize people’s data by selling them to identity thieves on the dark web.

The majority of the children’s data that hackers have access to are personal. It details their identity, medical state, family’s financial status, birthdates, and social security numbers. Many related cases and analyses of stolen data were cited by NBC news. Children’s stolen data are leaked online by hackers and identity thieves — as a way of compromising their identity and opening them up for attacks. The leaked identities are used for incriminating acts on the dark web. The result of this is the devastating effect it leaves on the victims, one that will continue to haunt them forever.

In proffering solutions to the issue of identity theft, it is important that individuals, corporate bodies, and organizations embrace a decentralized form of data storage or domain system which guarantees better identity and data protection.

Blockchain as the solution

The growing issue of identity theft can be solved through blockchain technology. As a decentralized form of technology built on creating a safe internet for all, blockchain eliminates identity theft through the provision of Decentralized Identifiers (DID). This is a digital form of identifier with a secured private key. The private key is known only to individuals and corporations who acquires it. DID is not controlled by any centralized body or identity providers.

As one of the leading entities in the blockchain space, NexBloc is building a safe place for internet users, and securing their identities through blockchain domain name system. The aim is to create a decentralized web and build a form of internet that guarantees 100% data and identity protection. This keeps them clean from identity theft, compromise, or manipulation.

Aditya Walia


