How to use Material UI MobileStepper to make a carousel view with multiple item per view

May Chen
NEXL Engineering
Published in
2 min readSep 10, 2022

Mui’s mobile stepper is great if we want to make a carousel view, but what if we want to show multiple item per view? It’s pretty simple too. In this article we will create a component <SwipeableMobileStepper /> which takes an array of elements we want to turn into a carousel view children: JSX.Element[], and itemsPerView so we can render whatever number of items per view as we want.



We are going to start with this example in mui’s documentation, only a few lines of changes are needed to turn it into our generic carousel component.



Step 1

In our component SwipeableMobileStepper.tsx, pass in the props:

interface ISwipeableMobileStepperProps {
children: JSX.Element[]; // the items to turn into carousel
itemsPerView: number; // how many items we want in each view

Step 2

Calculate how many steps there should be(line 18):

const maxSteps = Math.ceil(children.length / itemsPerView);

Step 3

Render a container element for each step (line 39):

{[...Array(maxSteps)].map((_, index) => {
return (
display: "flex",
alignItems: "stretch",
justifyContent: "space-evenly",
{...} // this is our next step

Step 4

Render {itemsPerView} items within each step container (line 49):

index * itemsPerView,
index * itemsPerView + itemsPerView
.map((child, childIndex) => {
return (
<Box sx={{ mx: 1 }} key={`step-${index}-${childIndex}`}>
{React.cloneElement(child as JSX.Element, {})}

That’s it. There we have a generic component that we can pass in the elements we want to turn into a carousel view and how many elements we want to show per view. Enjoy coding =)



May Chen
NEXL Engineering

A developer who occasionally has existential crisis and thinks if we are heading to the wrong direction, technology is just getting us there sooner.