About NexStudent Network

Leher Gulati
NexStudent Network
Published in
1 min readJul 13, 2024

NexStudent Network is a youth-led nonprofit organization that aims to expand programming to be more inclusive to and to create a community for young coders. We provide the resources for young coders to thrive, with a vibrant set of instructors and team members for students to absorb skills from and a passionate community of others who share the same interests.

Our past programs include Introductory and Intermediate Python, as well as Introductory and Project-Based Machine Learning camps. These are all taught by qualified and highly motivated high school students who have significant experience with programming and working with younger students.

So far, our team consists of 50+ members including instructors, outreach members, digital design members, and writers for our blog. Together, we’ve led NexStudent Network to 750+ enrollments with 10+ camps completed and more planned ahead.

Join us — links below!


Team Application Form

Program Enrollment Form




Leher Gulati
NexStudent Network

Founder & President @ NexStudent Network || Editorial Director, Development Deputy Director @ Fidutam