Yes to Adventure Life

Adventure Life: From Pain to Joy

Manuela Stoerzer


Writing serves as a bridge, allowing me to integrate my personal experiences and insights gained during my 23-year journey as a life coach. I am not just interested in mental power and reaching goals; my passion lies in exploring, reconnecting, and embracing the self. It’s a mission fueled by a series of harsh lessons that led to trust in life. It wasn’t always there. Consciously experiencing what unfolds with all senses, without continuously judging, reveals miracles — within and around us. My definition of a miracle is an extraordinary event or phenomenon that cannot be explained by scientific laws. For instance, I always wanted to travel in a campervan and couldn’t imagine how. Out of the blue a series of events happened within a week and I am offered the exact envisioned campervan (6m long, turning front seats, kitchen, bathroom, proper bed with storage underneath) for up to six months for free. How the unimaginable happened I will share soon ...

I am about inspiring others to explore more and be as amazed by life as well, be it through coaching, sculpting, songwriting, writing, or simply as a fellow human you might encounter on the street, in to live the adventure life: Explore with an open mind and a courageous heart what else is possible to live up to your essence.

Embracing Pain: A Path to Wholeness and Healing

Let’s embark briefly on a journey to understand the profound impact of self-care on mental and emotional well-being and how the avoidance of pain or highly uncomfortable feelings, can lead to prolonged suffering, affecting the quality of our lives and holding us back. Let’s delve into simple self-care practices we might not have learned so far and discover how they contribute to a more balanced, joyful and possibly fulfilling life — whatever that means for you.

The Foundation for Well-Being

Taking care of yourself involves fundamental principles that contribute to a healthier and more fulfilling life. These principles include being true to your word, providing reliable self-support, managing stress effectively, recognizing personal limits, expressing emotions authentically, practicing self-compassion, seeking help and reassurance when needed, fostering personal growth, embracing purpose and passion, prioritizing safety and health, and cultivating your true self. Did I miss anything? How to do that, that’s the quest, the journey, the adventure life — learning by doing or getting stuck in theories while life seems to happen out there without you.

True Self: Nurturing the Essence Within

Cultivating a space within yourself to fully embrace who you are is essential for genuine well-being. The practice can consist in conscious breathing and being present in the moment, redirecting your focus to the breath and the senses. Through non-judgmental awareness, witness everything as it is and allow the space for your true self to thrive.

Beyond the Basics: Additional Aspects of Self-Care

Going beyond the fundamentals, self-care extends to avoiding mind games, listening to your needs and desires, being honest with yourself, handling negative thoughts, facing communication challenges, and choosing the right partner. It emphasizes the importance of surrounding yourself with those who appreciate your honesty and respond with understanding rather than manipulation or judgment.

Navigating: Ego vs. Intuition

The journey of self-discovery involves distinguishing between ego and intuition. While ego relies on thinking, justifying, and evaluating, intuition goes beyond, incorporating a strong gut feeling connected to a vast database of experiential wisdom. Walking meditation serves as a simple yet effective tool to expand your awareness and connect with the present moment.

The Danger of Ego Identification: Liberation through Conscious Awareness

Ego, neither inherently good nor bad, can become a trap when you get hooked identifying with it completely. Total identification with ego perpetuates patterns of the past and hinders personal growth. Distinguising between pain and suffering to me is crucial — pain I define as a sensation, while suffering involves judgment and rationalization.

The Call to Trust Life: Facing Fears and Embracing Consciousness

Trusting life involves facing fears, exploring those that aren’t grounded in reality, and finding gold behind them. Consciousness emerges as THE remedy, allowing you to feel and heal, breaking free from the cycle of suffering. Nature and art have become powerful avenues for growth, expression, and healing for me. It’s easy to notice that excessive work, drugs, sport or retail therapy to hack hormones can’t be the answer. It is important to explore more and find out what really serves you. That’s when the adventure life starts kicking off…

An Invitation to Play! Explore the Unknown and Learn Together

In January, a unique adventure awaits — my solo improvised “show” designed to help face the fear of the unknown and discover the magic of playfulness and the limitless possibilities that life holds. I invite you to join me, engage in play, immerse in perfectly imperfect songs, and hear transformative true stories like the campervan miracle. Why? To have a good time, learn, and open up to daring greatly, trusting that the unknown brings positive surprises if we are open to playing along.

It all begins with a simple strategy: Trust life. Say yes to the adventure!

