Align Yourself With Integrity

Sonia Maia Gonçalves
Published in
4 min readNov 9, 2023

You are walking around life looking on the outside. You shift and turn, activating your survival strategies whenever a friction comes across. The space between what is alive inside of you and what you are doing on the outside becomes bigger. A gap is created and you become more and more farther away from who you are.

When you want to say no and you don’t. When you want to ask for something and you go for something else that is presented. You are out of Integrity. And the mechanism can become so strongly embedded that even the communication between your different bodies is on a conflicted space of relating with each other.

Your physical body wants to have some rest and your intellectual body says “this is not the time”, the stories and the voices are bigger than what is actually alive in you.

And in doing so you cut yourself from the flow of life, a flow of which you are a part of. Cutting yourself from the flow of life means you are, again, out of Integrity.

While reading robert wolff’s Original Wisdom book, I was astonished by the amount of Integrity present in the tribes he would visit, how they were connected to the place they were living in, the people they were surrounded by and this by being deeply attuned to what was happening in a very small now inside of them and thus, by doing so, they would somehow be connected to a larger ecosystem that they are a part of.

Human Beings are a part of the Earth just like the lions, the trees and the rivers. They have a specific language and way of being a part of the big Earth Family. The birds “know” when to migrate to a warmer place, they also know when to mate, how to mate, the movements specific to their kind. They are connected.

Humans detached themselves from their nature, from their inner knowing, from their ecosystem. The more the technology and science evolved the more Humans disconnected from themselves and the inner language of their species.

Modern Culture is built in a way that humans believe that they are more and greater than the place they inhabit. The Original Wisdom, as robert calls it, became something seen as crazy, or a lie, or “spiritual new age”.

The tragedy lies in naming something innate and natural as something unnatural and strange, mystifying it and making it either, only accessible to some few privileged ones, or something fit to the crazy ones, the ones that don’t belong.

And the technology that naturally inhabits a Human Being, the Original Wisdom, is corrupted and somehow lost.

The way to go, not back, but forward to this Wisdom is going in and healing your relation to Integrity. Having Integrity has the Compass you get more and more closer to the natural flow of the Ecosystem you are a part of. When doing so you get closer and closer to your Being and therefore to your Aliveness.

And what are the tools that you have? Your five bodies. They are the doorway to access the Original Wisdom and the Archetypal. In fact, the Original Wisdom is the Archetypal.

Start with your physical body, listen to what its needs are and one after the other say yes to them. As you go along, use your noticing to set apart where do these needs come from. This is the second step, not the first one! If you make this one your first step there may be a chance that you would be noticing from the parent ego state, and by doing so, cutting off your physical impulses and needs. When you begin to have the clear distinction from where the need comes from you can from then on, choose to act in Integrity with your physical body.

I invite you to do this experiment with each one of your five bodies, following the order of the five bodies thoughtmap. This thoughtmap is actually a treasure map that you can follow in order to access the Archetypal and your Original Wisdom.

As you move along in feeding yourself in all those different levels, your bodies will start to align with each other and the seemingly difficult conflict between them will start to dissolve because the gap between them is smaller and smaller.

You will be acting through Integrity and in Integrity the Core is thick and strong. In Integrity you are rooted in yourself wherever you are, with whomever you are.


Take your shoes off and get yourself in contact with the Earth for 30 minutes everyday for a month. Close your eyes and connect with your physical body. Pay attention to the impulses, does it want to move? Does it want to stay still? Answer to the impulses as they come along. Get your Beep! Book and write down every impulse, every thought, every feeling that came across while you were grounding yourself.

With Love and Integrity,

Sónia Maia Gonçalves

