Anger — the engine of your bullet train

Alice Belz
Published in
4 min readNov 25, 2023

“What`s wrong with your voice, did you catch a cold?”

“No, I am angry!”

And I am angry, because the only thing I can eventually be is: angry.

I am angry about men, about the world, about people destroying the planet, about how children are pressured to perform at schools, about my friend not participating in my women circle, another friend being late, the queue in the supermarket, the guy over there smoking, people who don`t care… an endless list.

Luckily, the context of Possibility Management provides tools to create a safe space for anger. And even in that territory where I consciously rage to certain times for a certain time it became messy. I was a mess. I did not go into any online space without my towel anymore. My towel is my faithful companion ready to sacrifice itself anytime to me, when I forcefully twist it with my hands. I have my towel with me, just in case. Just in case I share something and booom! I end up exploding. Again.

I yell into my towel! I surrendered to my rage, which shakes my whole body and I could feel all my bones. At times I was so angry, that tears came out of eyes!

I blamed my partner, women, my parents, people, the Universe. Restless I walked up and down. I did not know what do anymore. The only thing what came to me was:

If in doubt, call your Possibility Management Coach. And so I did.

Angrily -off course- I told her where I am at. “Look, this is how far I got. I do all the work, I rage, I create space for it, I already work on things I really care about and now?! There are still people in my life who are tremendously getting on my nerves. I am angry at my friend who claims she wants to change her life but does not change her life!”

My Possibility Management Coach is one of the women who fully owns her rage, who plays full out and who stands in her power. She simply asked: “Ok, so what are you going to do now? Are you going to scream at her?”

Silence. A Vacuum.

This marked my shift from having problem conversations to possibility conversations.

10 Minutes later I had a list full of Possibilities and almost couldn´t wait to hang up the phone, because I was so eager to get started. I jumped on the bullet train, full of ideas bringing me to the events I want to take part, to people I want to talk to and share my visions.

I noticed this miraculous shift from hating the world to loving the world.

The bullet train bringing me to the Yes, behind my No.

This was my relocation from a land of talking about problems — to asking, creating and looking for Possibilities. They are everywhere, they are nonlinear, unreasonable, crazy and chaotic -and they are high-level-fun.

I started writing letters to companies. I proposed to a Spanish supermarket to introduce a nut station instead of selling nuts in plastic. They answered me and also haven´t changed their packaging concept yet. Meanwhile, I fell in love with having conversations with the market sellers on Saturdays, where they sell delicious Mallorquin, locally sourced and unwrapped almonds!

I let go. This includes letting go of problem oriented conversations -and yes: problem oriented people.

I take a stand for women`s work, I hold space for children circles and Rage Clubs.

I collect plastic in the streets.

I make invitations. I go where I am invited, and appreciated and leave circles where I am rejected or blaming, complaining and triangulating is on the agenda.

It is rarely necessary to even say I am angry. And I am not talking about spiritual bypassing.

To say, that you are angry is a necessary and crucial initiatory step to even notice that you are angry, to then shift into making a proposal.

I make proposals and I ask for proposals. Someone saying to me: “I am angry at you. I ask: “Ok. So what`s your proposal?”

I propose: YOU do the same.

Anger is the engine, running in the back, letting us do all the things we care about.

Especially as a women I live 5 lives on one day.

Am I burning out? No. The cooperate world belongs to my past already since long and I am not turned on by the “I am so busy” trend. My projects, my next steps, my decisions are sourced by my rage. Anger allows me to rest and to wake up.

Anger is the motor of your bullet train, of your life, smoothly but steadily running in the back.

You can plug into the archetypal source of rage and use it as your driving force, instead of loosing energy by making complaints, being aggressive or exploding.

Will you join me on the bullet train?

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